Monday 29 March 2010

We've been robbed, robbed I tell you.....

What a weekend! I don't know about you lot but I'm shattered. Losing the hour has knocked me off always does, I always feel robbed by the blatant theft of 1 hour of's taken away from you, without a word of apology!

Well Dolly went to the wedding reception last night and, please forgive me, but it's not the most thrilling night out I've ever had, and I was home well before midnight before I turned into a pumpkin...from a green pea!! One of the main reasons for the lack-lustre evening was due to a couple of petty minded (so-called) friends who were there. There's no need for bare-faced rudeness and I was actually quite restrained. It helped that I hadn't had a wine or two otherwise I'd have tottered over in my 4 inch heels and made my feelings clear, but to be honest they're not worth having as friends if they're going to carry on like that. Sorry, I needed to have a rant, all finished.

Well I've had a week of chilling out and I'm actually (please slap me if I ever say this again), looking forward to doing some uni work next week. I've had enough of daytime telly to last me at least a lifetime if not longer....if I watch anymore Jeremy 'I'm the only man who can find out who the daddy is' Kyle, 'oh! don't touch the wet paint' 60 Minute Make-Over and 'who will buy this derelict dump' Homes Under the Hammer, I might do myself an injury. Enough is enough...

The song of the day is KT Tunstall's 'Suddenly I See'. I heard it on the radio in the car on my way to see my family and sung my little heart out. The lyrics really kind of sum-up how I view life at the a good way. Give it a listen if you get the chance.

Till next time....x


  1. Haha loving the daytime telly references!
    No need to apologize about the rant, I had a little one meself not too long back didn't I? ;-)
    Hope you're feeling better about the whole affair now!

  2. I'm fine and dandy about it now, it was childish and I can't be doing with them. I hardly see them so not worried about it at all.

    Sometimes we all need a rant :-)
