Wednesday, 3 March 2010

You couldn't make it up....

Now, as I've written before I love my glossy magazines but I have to draw the line at the real life women's weeklies, I'm sorry I can't stand them.

Last night the BBC (now if they're making cuts to make programmes on subjects like this, they're best saving their money), showed a programme about a real life womens weekly, Real People, and you genuinely couldn't make this stuff up.

I turned it on to see an Elvis impersonator singing to donkeys, because he felt he had a spiritual connection to A) Elvis an B) Donkeys......insert your own jokes; a woman who had a brain haemorrhage whilst trying to, well lets just say enjoy herself in the privacy of her own home....(ahem), and a woman who was being poisoned by her husband, he was putting mercury in her tea and this is to name but a few.
What has become of folk where we feel we have to sell embarassing stories of ourselves
for money, is nothing sacred anymore. I genuinely felt sorry for these people (apart from the Elvis impersonnating donkey entertainer), that they felt they had to do this.
I am all for a good gossip, I love nothing more than a juicy titbit to lift the spirits but I don't want to see people's dirty laundry flying about, I know times are hard but a bit of pride goes a long way!!
Till next time....x

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