Monday, 8 March 2010

A little goes along way....

I had a great fiction class this morning. I always learn a lot from them, not just from our tutor but from everyone else in the group and I also learn a bit more about myself every time.

I wrote something quite heart felt today, personal to me. It was a piece of short fiction that we had to edit down, and it was the last paragraph I wrote which kind of summed it all up really. I read it out and felt quite embarrased, daft really, I'm 35!! I'm debating whether to share it with you all or not...I'll have a think about it.

We have to choose our 2nd year option modules this week, scary times. We've got a whole year talk on it tomorrow. I think I've pretty much decided though on what I want to do, it just kind of dots the I's and crosses the T's for me. Funny to think it is going to start shaping my whole degree. For the first time since I started uni I am actually scared shitless, I don't mind telling you. I just want someone to give me a hug and tell me it'll be fine and to stop being neurotic. Lol

It's another beautiful sunny day today and so in celebration of this, our summer, I have treated myself to some flowers...pic attached, again sorry it's fuzzy.

Till next time...x


  1. Well I gots a virtual hug for ya, and I'm sure you're gonna make the right decision

  2. Awww, thank you :-) It's hard work being a grown up sometimes, Lol

  3. That's why I strive to be immature and stupid as much as possible. I'm enjoying that but the stupid bit probably isn't for everyone! Oscar Wilde must've said something about this... Ah yeah! In The Picture of Dorian Gray he says, "To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable."

  4. Oscar Wilde talked a lot of sense, though I get exercise walking round the rear car park for 20 minutes trying to find my car (I need a traffic cone or a beacon on the top of it!!).

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with being immature and stupid, keep it up!
