Monday, 15 March 2010

Poor, very poor....

I'm hanging my head in shame this afternoon, my pool skills are, well....shite! Went for a few games after the seminar today, and I don't think I'll leave uni a pool shark, not even a pool goldfish...more of a pool plankton. I am nothing if not entertaining though, which I think is more of an endearing quality than being any good.

It was a good seminar today, talking about dialogue (hahaha pardon the pun) etc. Funny how a conversation can turn so quickly from carpal tunnel syndrome to more blush worthy topics in one easy sweep We're not in now for three weeks over Easter. I'm looking forward to the break just to catch up on myself and try and catch up on some writing too. My folks are home for Easter aswell, so I'm more than sure I'll have some pearls of wisdom to share with you all, courtesy of my have been warned!

We were talking in the seminar as well about books that have influenced us in some way, the impact they've had, the writing style of the author and I was thinking about this in the car on the way home, and wondering who my literary influences are. I guess it's writers like Danny Wallace - he's the author of Yes Man and Join Me, which are two of the funniest books I've read. Music is also a big inflence too, Elbow and their song Mirrorball is one of my favourite songs of all time, a truly beautiful love song, please listen to it if you get the chance and you'll see what I mean.

Till next time...x


  1. Bravo Miss Dolly x

  2. Whoops I missed the lecture today :-(
    Tis a cliche, but practice really does make perfect on the pool table. After 100 games, I can just about pot one ball now, so there's hope for everybody!

  3. Hahaha, that's still a million times better than me. I managed to succesfuly riquochet the white off all the cushions without touching a single ball...that takes skill, pure skill! Lol
