What a miserable day weather wise...utter poop!
Well I hauled my ass to uni this morning and after much fannying about over carrels etc etc, ended up sat at the library computers happily typing away for my reading as a writer essay when Jack very kindly let me know I can't use the book I was writing about, I had to use a piece of fiction! Dagnabbit! 'Yes Man' by Danny Wallace is an absolute laugh out loud read but it's a memoir of sorts, so can't use it, boooo! So I'm back home again.
To counteract the grey miserable weather I've been having a daydream about how, instead of having to work, how I'd love to spend the summer if money wasn't an issue. I'd go travelling probably to America, hire a convertible and travel round, maybe go coast to coast, have some fantastic music blasting out and not a care in the world for a while. However, reality will have me either sat behind a desk secretarying for the summer or scanning peoples baked beans....a girl can dream can't she.
Along the same idea but on a slightly different tack someone on twitter asked the other day whats your idea of heaven (as in happiness, not the place we go when we fall off our twig)...so I had a little think and I'd have to admit it's the small simple things which are heaven to me. Chocolate (like that's a suprise!), getting into a bed of nice clean sheets, standing in a hot shower and letting the water run over me for a few minutes, cuddles from my neice, the first cup of tea of the day and (now this is going to make me blush, but pah!), a first kiss. What are yours (keep it clean, my mum reads this)?
I heard a beautiful song on the radio this morning - Elvis 'I Just Can't Help Believing'. I've never heard it before so I stayed in bed an extra 5 minutes to listen to it. A truly gorgeous song.
Well I think I'll put the kettle on and wait for my folks to arrive...chippy tea tonight, yummm!
Till next time....x
Hello dahling .........just been having me a little read of your post, lovely. I was quite taken with the idea of a road trip and imagined myself alongside of you, just two girls in a 60's convertible taking a road trip across the states, stopping only to pleasure ourselves (i mean pamper - forgot about MUM) at every possible opportunity. I can see us now.....wind in our hair with silk scarves wrapped firmly round our faces to hold our flaming locks in place - what bliss!! Lovely to sit and read another of your ever so honest and utterly random ramblings and i shall wait 'til next time' xx By the way, i have thought long and hard about men lately and to impart my new found revelation on you - i think life is to short to live in wonder and sometimes in order to fill those gaps we all have inside us we need to speak our truth - that makes 'wonderfull' - haha. Anyway, daydreams are for right now but real dreams come true when we live our life freely and embrace the places and people who matter to us - or could matter, with open arms and hearts and risk everything all over again, each and every time - it is the things that we don't do in life that we regret more than anything we ever took a chance upon xx
ReplyDeleteWell, if ye liked that gorgeous song, try checking out the whole of Elvis' back catalogue haha! He's a very heavenly chap in many ways...