What a miserable day weather wise...utter poop!
Well I hauled my ass to uni this morning and after much fannying about over carrels etc etc, ended up sat at the library computers happily typing away for my reading as a writer essay when Jack very kindly let me know I can't use the book I was writing about, I had to use a piece of fiction! Dagnabbit! 'Yes Man' by Danny Wallace is an absolute laugh out loud read but it's a memoir of sorts, so can't use it, boooo! So I'm back home again.
To counteract the grey miserable weather I've been having a daydream about how, instead of having to work, how I'd love to spend the summer if money wasn't an issue. I'd go travelling probably to America, hire a convertible and travel round, maybe go coast to coast, have some fantastic music blasting out and not a care in the world for a while. However, reality will have me either sat behind a desk secretarying for the summer or scanning peoples baked beans....a girl can dream can't she.
Along the same idea but on a slightly different tack someone on twitter asked the other day whats your idea of heaven (as in happiness, not the place we go when we fall off our twig)...so I had a little think and I'd have to admit it's the small simple things which are heaven to me. Chocolate (like that's a suprise!), getting into a bed of nice clean sheets, standing in a hot shower and letting the water run over me for a few minutes, cuddles from my neice, the first cup of tea of the day and (now this is going to make me blush, but pah!), a first kiss. What are yours (keep it clean, my mum reads this)?
I heard a beautiful song on the radio this morning - Elvis 'I Just Can't Help Believing'. I've never heard it before so I stayed in bed an extra 5 minutes to listen to it. A truly gorgeous song.
Well I think I'll put the kettle on and wait for my folks to arrive...chippy tea tonight, yummm!
Till next time....x
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Where is it?.....
I've been sat here for a few hours trying to get some work done and quite honestly it's flowing as well as frozen treacle!
So I've taken to procrastinating for a bit to try and take my mind off it and tease a lightening flash of inspiration...I'm still waiting. I've had a shower, made yet another cuppa, put some washing in the machine, fed the cats, checked flight prices for Amsterdam, wandered up and down the flat and tweeted. Nothing as yet....I hate writers block, I really do. I can't even decide what music to listen to so I'm shuffling through iTunes like a bored 5 year old. I've settled on Florence and the Machine...Dog Days are Over is a fantastic song!
Though I'm wondering if it is writers block or my mind is restless and just won't settle. I've an idea it could well be the latter and I think I know why, oh well, I am sure all questions will be answered in due course.
Well I've procrastinated enough, time for one last visit to the kettle before I crack on and try and tease something out of my befuddled brain.
Till next time....x
So I've taken to procrastinating for a bit to try and take my mind off it and tease a lightening flash of inspiration...I'm still waiting. I've had a shower, made yet another cuppa, put some washing in the machine, fed the cats, checked flight prices for Amsterdam, wandered up and down the flat and tweeted. Nothing as yet....I hate writers block, I really do. I can't even decide what music to listen to so I'm shuffling through iTunes like a bored 5 year old. I've settled on Florence and the Machine...Dog Days are Over is a fantastic song!
Though I'm wondering if it is writers block or my mind is restless and just won't settle. I've an idea it could well be the latter and I think I know why, oh well, I am sure all questions will be answered in due course.
Well I've procrastinated enough, time for one last visit to the kettle before I crack on and try and tease something out of my befuddled brain.
Till next time....x
Monday, 29 March 2010
We've been robbed, robbed I tell you.....
What a weekend! I don't know about you lot but I'm shattered. Losing the hour has knocked me off kilter...it always does, I always feel robbed by the blatant theft of 1 hour of sleep...it's taken away from you, without a word of apology!
Well Dolly went to the wedding reception last night and, please forgive me, but it's not the most thrilling night out I've ever had, and I was home well before midnight before I turned into a pumpkin...from a green pea!! One of the main reasons for the lack-lustre evening was due to a couple of petty minded (so-called) friends who were there. There's no need for bare-faced rudeness and I was actually quite restrained. It helped that I hadn't had a wine or two otherwise I'd have tottered over in my 4 inch heels and made my feelings clear, but to be honest they're not worth having as friends if they're going to carry on like that. Sorry, I needed to have a rant, all finished.
Well I've had a week of chilling out and I'm actually (please slap me if I ever say this again), looking forward to doing some uni work next week. I've had enough of daytime telly to last me at least a lifetime if not longer....if I watch anymore Jeremy 'I'm the only man who can find out who the daddy is' Kyle, 'oh! don't touch the wet paint' 60 Minute Make-Over and 'who will buy this derelict dump' Homes Under the Hammer, I might do myself an injury. Enough is enough...
The song of the day is KT Tunstall's 'Suddenly I See'. I heard it on the radio in the car on my way to see my family and sung my little heart out. The lyrics really kind of sum-up how I view life at the minute...in a good way. Give it a listen if you get the chance.
Till next time....x
Well Dolly went to the wedding reception last night and, please forgive me, but it's not the most thrilling night out I've ever had, and I was home well before midnight before I turned into a pumpkin...from a green pea!! One of the main reasons for the lack-lustre evening was due to a couple of petty minded (so-called) friends who were there. There's no need for bare-faced rudeness and I was actually quite restrained. It helped that I hadn't had a wine or two otherwise I'd have tottered over in my 4 inch heels and made my feelings clear, but to be honest they're not worth having as friends if they're going to carry on like that. Sorry, I needed to have a rant, all finished.
Well I've had a week of chilling out and I'm actually (please slap me if I ever say this again), looking forward to doing some uni work next week. I've had enough of daytime telly to last me at least a lifetime if not longer....if I watch anymore Jeremy 'I'm the only man who can find out who the daddy is' Kyle, 'oh! don't touch the wet paint' 60 Minute Make-Over and 'who will buy this derelict dump' Homes Under the Hammer, I might do myself an injury. Enough is enough...
The song of the day is KT Tunstall's 'Suddenly I See'. I heard it on the radio in the car on my way to see my family and sung my little heart out. The lyrics really kind of sum-up how I view life at the minute...in a good way. Give it a listen if you get the chance.
Till next time....x
Friday, 26 March 2010
Does my blog look big in this?.....
Dolly's off out tomorrow night to a wedding reception....2 friends of mine, Gail and Darren got married in Barbados a few weeks ago, and they're having a party tomorrow night at a hotel in Southport to celebrate they're happy occassion, which brings to the issue of what do I bloody wear??!
Now, my waistline exands and contracts more than your average pair of elasticated waist casual slacks, so I've a wardrobe full of clothes in various sizes ranging from 'wow, you look fantastic, have you lost weight?' to 'you look really well, that teepee style frock is really flattering' (code for, have you put weight on??). So I opened up the wardrobe doors the other night hoping to find a) Narnia b) Gok Wan and c) a miracle dress which i'd forgotten about and makes me look like I've got the figure of Beyonce. I have to admit, I found none of the above so I had a rummage around to see what I could find.
After sifting though umpteen pairs of shoes, enough scalves to keep a scarf shop going for months (now I know why i'm in a permanent state of skintness), and clothes I've not worn since Spandau Ballett were in the charts first time round (I'm sentimental, don't blame me), I think I've found an outfit, a nice green 50's style dress I bought about 4 years ago which I am going to accessorise up and add a little Dolly twist. That's after I've managed to squeeze myself into a pair of magic pants the size of a post-it note and with more lycra than Chris Hoy's cycling shorts!
Hopefully I'll get some nice pics for tomorrow night and might even be brave and post one on here, looking like a cross between a giant pea and a drag queen (no laughing!!).
Till next time...x
Now, my waistline exands and contracts more than your average pair of elasticated waist casual slacks, so I've a wardrobe full of clothes in various sizes ranging from 'wow, you look fantastic, have you lost weight?' to 'you look really well, that teepee style frock is really flattering' (code for, have you put weight on??). So I opened up the wardrobe doors the other night hoping to find a) Narnia b) Gok Wan and c) a miracle dress which i'd forgotten about and makes me look like I've got the figure of Beyonce. I have to admit, I found none of the above so I had a rummage around to see what I could find.
After sifting though umpteen pairs of shoes, enough scalves to keep a scarf shop going for months (now I know why i'm in a permanent state of skintness), and clothes I've not worn since Spandau Ballett were in the charts first time round (I'm sentimental, don't blame me), I think I've found an outfit, a nice green 50's style dress I bought about 4 years ago which I am going to accessorise up and add a little Dolly twist. That's after I've managed to squeeze myself into a pair of magic pants the size of a post-it note and with more lycra than Chris Hoy's cycling shorts!
Hopefully I'll get some nice pics for tomorrow night and might even be brave and post one on here, looking like a cross between a giant pea and a drag queen (no laughing!!).
Till next time...x
Drag Queens,
Gok Wan,
happy occasions,
wedding reception
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
A little bit of what you fancy.....

Well week 1 of the 3 week break is going well...i've done all of nothing and it's been fab. The weather's been grim so that's aided my plan of doing very little. Its been nice it has to be said. I'm going to have to get my head down though I've a ton of work winking at me from the corner of the desk, so a concerted effort to flick through the pile maybe made tomorrow.
As you all know I love my food and I do like to cook every now and again...leftover chilli is sitting the fridge as I type, but I do also have a bit of an odd passion, I love recipe books. I very rarely use them, I just love reading them..it's like porn. My personal favourite is Nigella, that woman is an absolute wonder and indulges in food porn like no other. But I've since discovered a new contender for this crown, Sophie Dahl. She has a new show on BBC2 called The Delicious Miss Dahl, and it's awesome. If I could split my time between her house and Nigella's - like a child between two divorcing parents and dividing my time between them - then I would be a happy bunny.
I'm of the mindset that a little bit of what you fancy...(errr, food wise, you rude bunch of creatures!!) does the mind and soul the power of good, I don't see the point in denying yourself something as this only leads to being completely miserable. I however have absolutely no willpower so do have to use restrain when walking past Thorntons.
Life is for living and loving, so make the most of it, just don't forget to throw in some fruit and veg along the way so we can enjoy it that little bit longer!
Till next time...x
Monday, 22 March 2010
The one and only......
Well it's the first day of my three week break from uni and so far I've had a great big ol' chill out. My couch has got an my arse shaped dint in it from a weekend of my arse creating said dint. I've only moved off the couch to make tea, food, answer the door and bathroom visits (too much information I know, but we know each other well enough now we can share these things!). It has been heavenly bliss on a stick, but it won't last forever.
I can't say my lie in's have been much to blog about though, I've got roadworks going on outside Dolly Peg towers, have done for nearly 3 weeks now and at 8am, I'm getting woken up by JCB's, jack hammers and workmen digging up and filling in the same bit of road even on saturday morning. I have to admit I was 'that close' to stropping out there in my pj's and slippers and telling them to take their jack hammers and stick it where the JCB's don't shine, but I didn't look my best, more 'hell's occupying screaming banshee' than 'demure Dolly'. Needless to say I pulled the duvet over my head and muttered to myself for half an hour before I got up and stropped around the flat!!
My lovely gorgeous mum has taken pity on me and sent a Tesco food shop for me....ok, I may have heavily hinted at it on Saturday when I rang up, but I am very grateful nonetheless. Ordering with Tesco online is a bit faffy if you don't do it very often so the element of surprise is always what my mum has ordered, and in what quantity it will turn up. Well I am now the proud owner of.......1 Apple! Trying to do my bit for the 5 a day campaign (I wrote them on the list so that counts aswell, obviously!) I asked for some apples. I've now got 1 single, solitary, juicy green golden delicious. It's a beauty and I've included a little pic of it in all it's glory. This has happened before with bananas, mum thought she was ordering 1 bag but instead just 1 arrived. In my mothers defence she only uses the online ordering service 2 or 3 times a year and it always changes during this time, but it still makes me laugh.
It's not boding well for me is it.....?!
Till next time....x
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Happy days...........
Good afternoon and welcome to the weekend!
Before we go any further I've got an announcement to make....it's Martin's birthday today, he's the big 19...Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu! I would sing some more but I'm a bit croaky today and I don't want to ruin a good day! Have a great Birthday Martin :-)
Well the 24 hour takeaway exam paper has been done and it quite honestly nearly killed us. I got the grand sum total of 4 hours kip, some people got even less than that, so I was lucky. It was bloody hard work I don't mind telling you, and I don't hold out much hope for a cracking mark, so long as I pass I'll be happy.
The afternoon was spent playing pool and having a good giggle and I had a great time. I can't say I was a challenging opponent but that doesn't matter, my entertainment input was enough, and I'd definitely be up for doing it again. Last night I was exhausted, I just fell into bed and sparked out asleep. You know though when you've been asleep, had a good 8 or 9 hours (well more like 10 in my case, lol) and it feels like you've not slept at all, that's how I feel today, so it's telly and movie day today, bliss.
I'm still not very compus mentus today so I shall leave it there I think, normal service shall resume again soon, I promise.
Till next time....x
Before we go any further I've got an announcement to make....it's Martin's birthday today, he's the big 19...Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuu! I would sing some more but I'm a bit croaky today and I don't want to ruin a good day! Have a great Birthday Martin :-)
Well the 24 hour takeaway exam paper has been done and it quite honestly nearly killed us. I got the grand sum total of 4 hours kip, some people got even less than that, so I was lucky. It was bloody hard work I don't mind telling you, and I don't hold out much hope for a cracking mark, so long as I pass I'll be happy.
The afternoon was spent playing pool and having a good giggle and I had a great time. I can't say I was a challenging opponent but that doesn't matter, my entertainment input was enough, and I'd definitely be up for doing it again. Last night I was exhausted, I just fell into bed and sparked out asleep. You know though when you've been asleep, had a good 8 or 9 hours (well more like 10 in my case, lol) and it feels like you've not slept at all, that's how I feel today, so it's telly and movie day today, bliss.
I'm still not very compus mentus today so I shall leave it there I think, normal service shall resume again soon, I promise.
Till next time....x
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Fingers crossed.....
I hope you all had a great St Patricks day and the nation is awash with guiness and a whiskey chaser!
I was convinced the world was conspiring against me today.....my tinterweb abandoned me in my hour of need!! Bloody technology, it'll never catch on! But suffice to say, I'm back (some may welcome this, others may have been glad of the peace and quiet). It's our 24 hour takeaway exam paper tomorrow, so if you never hear from me again it didn't go so well and I'm being talked down off the end of the pier...well actually more bribed with a cuppa and a kitkat.
Following on from my rather piss poor pool attempt on Monday, I've thrown down the gauntlet to Martin and challenged him to a few games to show off my fanastic 'potting the white' skills, and my 'trying to gently tap the ball into the pocket but it riqochet's off the corner into the middle of the table' moves. Oh yes, the challenge has been accepted dear readers, we just need to arrange a date and time. Dolly 'Pool Plankton' Peg is going to get her ass whooped!
Till next time...x
I was convinced the world was conspiring against me today.....my tinterweb abandoned me in my hour of need!! Bloody technology, it'll never catch on! But suffice to say, I'm back (some may welcome this, others may have been glad of the peace and quiet). It's our 24 hour takeaway exam paper tomorrow, so if you never hear from me again it didn't go so well and I'm being talked down off the end of the pier...well actually more bribed with a cuppa and a kitkat.
Following on from my rather piss poor pool attempt on Monday, I've thrown down the gauntlet to Martin and challenged him to a few games to show off my fanastic 'potting the white' skills, and my 'trying to gently tap the ball into the pocket but it riqochet's off the corner into the middle of the table' moves. Oh yes, the challenge has been accepted dear readers, we just need to arrange a date and time. Dolly 'Pool Plankton' Peg is going to get her ass whooped!
Till next time...x
St Patricks Day,
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Snog a frog.....
I haven't gone mad or insane and I'm not pissed....yet! I've just posted a little limerick of sorts about about a Frog and a Wig. I hope you like it and makes you smile. The inspiration came from a question on my blogger profile, so in the space of 10 minutes I wrote 'The Frog and the Wig'. Just goes to show the smallest things can be inspiration for something.
I don't really know how to top my creative outpouring about frogs, wigs and snogs so I think I'll leave it there for tonight.
Till next time...x
I don't really know how to top my creative outpouring about frogs, wigs and snogs so I think I'll leave it there for tonight.
Till next time...x
The Frog and the Wig.....
There once was a frog who lived in a bog
With not a single hair on his head
He lived in the bog, this lonely frog
Until the Princess said...
'Oh dearest frog who lives in the bog,
how would you like some hairs on your head?
I can grant you this wish, and make you a bit of a dish
In one very simple step'.
'I shall give you one kiss to bring you your wish
of a head of hair so grand.
And after my kiss you shall be my prince,
and live with me in this fair land'.
'Not a wig you shall need from my promise indeed,
for you shall have everything you desire.
I love you dear frog, who lives in the bog
and soon you shall be my sire'.
With not a single hair on his head
He lived in the bog, this lonely frog
Until the Princess said...
'Oh dearest frog who lives in the bog,
how would you like some hairs on your head?
I can grant you this wish, and make you a bit of a dish
In one very simple step'.
'I shall give you one kiss to bring you your wish
of a head of hair so grand.
And after my kiss you shall be my prince,
and live with me in this fair land'.
'Not a wig you shall need from my promise indeed,
for you shall have everything you desire.
I love you dear frog, who lives in the bog
and soon you shall be my sire'.
Monday, 15 March 2010
Poor, very poor....
I'm hanging my head in shame this afternoon, my pool skills are, well....shite! Went for a few games after the seminar today, and I don't think I'll leave uni a pool shark, not even a pool goldfish...more of a pool plankton. I am nothing if not entertaining though, which I think is more of an endearing quality than being any good.
It was a good seminar today, talking about dialogue (hahaha pardon the pun) etc. Funny how a conversation can turn so quickly from carpal tunnel syndrome to more blush worthy topics in one easy sweep We're not in now for three weeks over Easter. I'm looking forward to the break just to catch up on myself and try and catch up on some writing too. My folks are home for Easter aswell, so I'm more than sure I'll have some pearls of wisdom to share with you all, courtesy of my mother...you have been warned!
We were talking in the seminar as well about books that have influenced us in some way, the impact they've had, the writing style of the author and I was thinking about this in the car on the way home, and wondering who my literary influences are. I guess it's writers like Danny Wallace - he's the author of Yes Man and Join Me, which are two of the funniest books I've read. Music is also a big inflence too, Elbow and their song Mirrorball is one of my favourite songs of all time, a truly beautiful love song, please listen to it if you get the chance and you'll see what I mean.
Till next time...x
It was a good seminar today, talking about dialogue (hahaha pardon the pun) etc. Funny how a conversation can turn so quickly from carpal tunnel syndrome to more blush worthy topics in one easy sweep We're not in now for three weeks over Easter. I'm looking forward to the break just to catch up on myself and try and catch up on some writing too. My folks are home for Easter aswell, so I'm more than sure I'll have some pearls of wisdom to share with you all, courtesy of my mother...you have been warned!
We were talking in the seminar as well about books that have influenced us in some way, the impact they've had, the writing style of the author and I was thinking about this in the car on the way home, and wondering who my literary influences are. I guess it's writers like Danny Wallace - he's the author of Yes Man and Join Me, which are two of the funniest books I've read. Music is also a big inflence too, Elbow and their song Mirrorball is one of my favourite songs of all time, a truly beautiful love song, please listen to it if you get the chance and you'll see what I mean.
Till next time...x
Danny Wallace,
Sunday, 14 March 2010
I've just realised I forgot to say how fantastic Insanity Beach were on Friday night. I have to admit I'm a little bit of a groupy and always go to watch them when they're on at the Fox and Goose. I cut some rather superb shapes and shook my booty with them best of them, fantastic night. I'll let you know when they're next on again.
Right, I think that's everything. If I've forgotten anything else...well it's obviously not that important!
Till next time....x
Right, I think that's everything. If I've forgotten anything else...well it's obviously not that important!
Till next time....x
Insanity Beach,
A celebration....
Firstly, I want to wish my Mum a Happy Mothers Day! I know I forgot to send a card (that makes me such a crap daughter), but I always say you can't put that much love in a card!! You know I love you so much and I appreciate everything you do for me.
I got another assignment out of the way this weekend (I don't normally do uni work over the weekend), it's the one I was telling you about the other day, choosing our own topic, question etc etc. Well it's all done, all 1874 words of it, so I think that's worth a celebration in itself.
While I was in uni yesterday holed up in my little carrel there were applicant visits and tours going on around and about campus, I did feel a bit like a goldfish at one point. There were groups of potential students and their parents wandering round, getting a feel for the place. I know how nervous I was when I first started and I'm not quite a spring chicken, but it must be really nerve-wracking for 18 and 19 year olds. Though I have to say it doesn't bode well for students when you can't tell the difference between the male and female loo's. I walked in to find some poor un-suspecting lad drying his hands in the ladies loo, and looking a bit confused and embrassed when I walked in. I can't deny it, I did laugh...not in his face that would be just rude, but after he walked out. It made me chuckle when I was driving home too, sad I know.
Well, not to harp on with my obsession for sunshine and blue skys but it's another lovely sunny day, just right for Mothers Day. So I think I will sign off and make the most of it.
Have fun my faithful band of 8 readers!
Till next time....x
I got another assignment out of the way this weekend (I don't normally do uni work over the weekend), it's the one I was telling you about the other day, choosing our own topic, question etc etc. Well it's all done, all 1874 words of it, so I think that's worth a celebration in itself.
While I was in uni yesterday holed up in my little carrel there were applicant visits and tours going on around and about campus, I did feel a bit like a goldfish at one point. There were groups of potential students and their parents wandering round, getting a feel for the place. I know how nervous I was when I first started and I'm not quite a spring chicken, but it must be really nerve-wracking for 18 and 19 year olds. Though I have to say it doesn't bode well for students when you can't tell the difference between the male and female loo's. I walked in to find some poor un-suspecting lad drying his hands in the ladies loo, and looking a bit confused and embrassed when I walked in. I can't deny it, I did laugh...not in his face that would be just rude, but after he walked out. It made me chuckle when I was driving home too, sad I know.
Well, not to harp on with my obsession for sunshine and blue skys but it's another lovely sunny day, just right for Mothers Day. So I think I will sign off and make the most of it.
Have fun my faithful band of 8 readers!
Till next time....x
Friday, 12 March 2010
It most certainly is....
I've just done a quick show of hands...ok, I'm actually on my own at the moment, so I put up both hands to give it an overwhelming majority, and it's FRIDAY...the weekend, the time to party, let your hair down and make hay whilst the sunshines (which I bloody hope it does!).
It's been a long week uni wise (I won't bore you with the details) but it's been helped along by the sunshine and my good mood, so tonight I'm going to let of some steam and i'm off to see a band at the Fox and Goose (I mentioned it on yesterdays blog). My ears will probably ring for about 2 days so if I look at you with a slightly glazed look, I can't hear you so you'll have to shout.
This afternoon though I am going to indulge in some writing. There's a writing competition I want to enter so I'm going to work on that I think. The closing date is April, but I need to make a start on it now...if anyone wants the arduous task of reading it, going through it with a red pen, telling me it's poop and then getting drunk with me, please raise your hand now....all offers gratefully accepted :-) The rest of my weekend will be spent chilling out, catching up on some work and hoping the good weather continues.
Well I'm going to make a cuppa and put on some 80's music to get the weekend off to a rather nice start.
Till next time....x
It's been a long week uni wise (I won't bore you with the details) but it's been helped along by the sunshine and my good mood, so tonight I'm going to let of some steam and i'm off to see a band at the Fox and Goose (I mentioned it on yesterdays blog). My ears will probably ring for about 2 days so if I look at you with a slightly glazed look, I can't hear you so you'll have to shout.
This afternoon though I am going to indulge in some writing. There's a writing competition I want to enter so I'm going to work on that I think. The closing date is April, but I need to make a start on it now...if anyone wants the arduous task of reading it, going through it with a red pen, telling me it's poop and then getting drunk with me, please raise your hand now....all offers gratefully accepted :-) The rest of my weekend will be spent chilling out, catching up on some work and hoping the good weather continues.
Well I'm going to make a cuppa and put on some 80's music to get the weekend off to a rather nice start.
Till next time....x
80's music,
Fox and Goose,
good mood,
happy days,
Thursday, 11 March 2010
And it continues....
Well the fantastic weather continues this week...I feel like a weather girl - "and over Southport there will be copious amounts of sunshine which will continue with the good mood and good music"...ok, I think it's good music, others may have a different viewpoint.
I was going to write this from the comfort of my front step with a flake and a vimto catching a few of the suns rays etc, but I couldn't see the screen so I had to come in to do it.
So how have we all been this week, I realise I'm always the one doing the talking and never ask my faithful band of 8 readers...yes, 8 of you now (hi mum, again!), wow aren't you lot lucky reading my whitterings, I'm sure there's something more exciting to read a few blogs down if you get bored.
I've got a bit of a dilemma on my hands at the moment and not sure what to do, obviously I'm not going to go into specifics on here but it's not serious and I'm not dropping out of uni to be a supermodel (yet!) or anything (do I look mad, actually don't answer that!!), but my horoscope from the paper (kindly donated by Lisa) was pretty spot on today so I'm considering being brave...just one last time.
Right, well I'm off to go and finish my vimto on the front step. You've got to love the sunshine, you really have.
Till next time...x
P.S. I'm going to see a band, Insanity Beach, tomorrow night (Friday) at the Fox and Goose in Southport. They're a fantastic rock band who do covers and their own material, so if you're at a loose end feel free to join me and my mate Debra. I'll be letting off some steam after frazzling my brain with assignments etc all week.
I was going to write this from the comfort of my front step with a flake and a vimto catching a few of the suns rays etc, but I couldn't see the screen so I had to come in to do it.
So how have we all been this week, I realise I'm always the one doing the talking and never ask my faithful band of 8 readers...yes, 8 of you now (hi mum, again!), wow aren't you lot lucky reading my whitterings, I'm sure there's something more exciting to read a few blogs down if you get bored.
I've got a bit of a dilemma on my hands at the moment and not sure what to do, obviously I'm not going to go into specifics on here but it's not serious and I'm not dropping out of uni to be a supermodel (yet!) or anything (do I look mad, actually don't answer that!!), but my horoscope from the paper (kindly donated by Lisa) was pretty spot on today so I'm considering being brave...just one last time.
Right, well I'm off to go and finish my vimto on the front step. You've got to love the sunshine, you really have.
Till next time...x
P.S. I'm going to see a band, Insanity Beach, tomorrow night (Friday) at the Fox and Goose in Southport. They're a fantastic rock band who do covers and their own material, so if you're at a loose end feel free to join me and my mate Debra. I'll be letting off some steam after frazzling my brain with assignments etc all week.
Fox and Goose,
Good Music,
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Anyone fancy a beer, it's my round. I've been sat working, reading and staring at my assignment all day, and whilst I may be 963 words down, I am still 963 words short...hence that's why I've turned to alchohol....I'm getting crisps as well, any preference on flavour??
For this assignment we've had to come up with our own topic, assignment question etc etc and we have to write 2000 words on it. I, rather stupidly (I'm consulting medical professionals shortly) have chosen Gothic. Why, oh why. I would've had more success teaching a donkey the hula hoop, but, in saying all that I am enjoying the challenge a teeny weeny bit, but blimey it's hard work.
Anyway, back to more cheery topics. Things are going well for the purchase of the caravan I was harping on about last night, I've had a rummage down the back of the couch and at the bottom of my handbag, and I've raised (drum roll)...£1.36, 2 euros and a pen. So it's going well, and I'll soon be able to afford the key to put in the lock. There is a silver lining to all this, just gives me more time to plan the road trip and buy a current road atlas, and not use 2003's AA road companion. It's all in the planning!!!
Right, I need another drink, anyone fancy joining me?
Till next time....x
For this assignment we've had to come up with our own topic, assignment question etc etc and we have to write 2000 words on it. I, rather stupidly (I'm consulting medical professionals shortly) have chosen Gothic. Why, oh why. I would've had more success teaching a donkey the hula hoop, but, in saying all that I am enjoying the challenge a teeny weeny bit, but blimey it's hard work.
Anyway, back to more cheery topics. Things are going well for the purchase of the caravan I was harping on about last night, I've had a rummage down the back of the couch and at the bottom of my handbag, and I've raised (drum roll)...£1.36, 2 euros and a pen. So it's going well, and I'll soon be able to afford the key to put in the lock. There is a silver lining to all this, just gives me more time to plan the road trip and buy a current road atlas, and not use 2003's AA road companion. It's all in the planning!!!
Right, I need another drink, anyone fancy joining me?
Till next time....x
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Bring on the summer....

You know when you get reminded of a song which just epitomises summer, sunshine, good times and general merriment all round, well that happened to me yesterday and I've had the song on a loop practically ever since. Martin mentioned in his blog yesterday about the song 'California Soul' by Marlena Shaw and it has just made me smile and put me in a great mood ever since. Thanks Martin :-) It has to be a definitive summer song and I defy anyone not to imagine warm summer days, and long summer nights when they listen to it. Fantastic.
Well, it was our option module presentation today and I think I've made my decision. My I's and T's are pretty much punctuated (does that make sense...I don't think it does, oh well), and I've decided Contested Masculinities and Writing The Supernatural are the ones for me. I've just got to put the ticks in the boxes....that's the bit I'm really nervous about, wow, proper grown up stuff. Lol
Well back to summer and good times etc etc, my neighbours have bought the most amazing little caravan and I want one! I've attached a pic so you can see how fab it is. Anyone fancy chipping in and getting one with me and coming on a road trip??
Till next time....x
Monday, 8 March 2010
A little goes along way....

I wrote something quite heart felt today, personal to me. It was a piece of short fiction that we had to edit down, and it was the last paragraph I wrote which kind of summed it all up really. I read it out and felt quite embarrased, daft really, I'm 35!! I'm debating whether to share it with you all or not...I'll have a think about it.
We have to choose our 2nd year option modules this week, scary times. We've got a whole year talk on it tomorrow. I think I've pretty much decided though on what I want to do, it just kind of dots the I's and crosses the T's for me. Funny to think it is going to start shaping my whole degree. For the first time since I started uni I am actually scared shitless, I don't mind telling you. I just want someone to give me a hug and tell me it'll be fine and to stop being neurotic. Lol
It's another beautiful sunny day today and so in celebration of this, our summer, I have treated myself to some flowers...pic attached, again sorry it's fuzzy.
Till next time...x
Sunday, 7 March 2010
I 'heart' Liverpool....

I've had a great day today...for a Sunday, cos I'm normally not struck for Sundays.
I went into Liverpool for a few hours today, which is one of my favourite places. I love the diversity, the buildings, the history, the shopping, the people...pretty much everything. I had to go to central library for some books (obviously, I wouldn't be getting a Black and Decker work bench from there would I...?!), and because it was so sunny I sat on the steps of the building next door, with a cuppa and my book. I took a couple of pictures which I will add to this (if I can do it right, lol), apologies if they are a bit fuzzy but I took them on my phone.
I have always liked Liverpool, I worked there for over 10 years until I was made redundant last year but I still go back and one of my favourite places to visit is The Tate, it's my inspiration for some of my writing as well as being somewhere for a few hours of pure escapism (and looking at some of the stuff and thinking....'nope, I just don't get it'!).
You just can't beat a bit of culture daaaaaarling!
Till next time....x
P.S The photo is the view from my spot on the steps, it's the back of St Georges Hall and the gardens.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Oranges are not the only fruit......
I attempted to add a new skill to my very sparce bow the other day...juggling, yes juggling. I don't mean the 'juggling a working and family life' kind of thing because, well A) I don't have a working life, I'm a student and B) I'm single. I mean juggling props, fire, cats...anything you like really.
I used 2 lovely ripe juicy oranges for my initial foray into such circus skills and if I'm being truly honest with you readers, it didn't go particularly well, in fact I would go so far as to say, shite! (sorry mum).
I stood over the couch so it would make it easier for the oranges to bounce when I dropped them, instead all I ended up doing was picking them up off the floor every 5 seconds, concussing a cat because it got in the way of my second attempt and ending up with 2 very bruised oranges.
I really don't think I'm going to be giving up my life anytime soon to run away and join the circus, I don't even the Cirque de Soleil will have me because I don't look particularly good in a glittery leotard, and I can't speak french very well. I'm proud of my valiant effort though, but my bow is going to remain sparce for now.
It has got me wondering what else I could try my hand at though, imagine how good being an expert in speed knitting, clog dancing or professional hedgehog wrestling would be on your CV...nope, I'm on my own with that one then!!
Till next time....x
I used 2 lovely ripe juicy oranges for my initial foray into such circus skills and if I'm being truly honest with you readers, it didn't go particularly well, in fact I would go so far as to say, shite! (sorry mum).
I stood over the couch so it would make it easier for the oranges to bounce when I dropped them, instead all I ended up doing was picking them up off the floor every 5 seconds, concussing a cat because it got in the way of my second attempt and ending up with 2 very bruised oranges.
I really don't think I'm going to be giving up my life anytime soon to run away and join the circus, I don't even the Cirque de Soleil will have me because I don't look particularly good in a glittery leotard, and I can't speak french very well. I'm proud of my valiant effort though, but my bow is going to remain sparce for now.
It has got me wondering what else I could try my hand at though, imagine how good being an expert in speed knitting, clog dancing or professional hedgehog wrestling would be on your CV...nope, I'm on my own with that one then!!
Till next time....x
Trumpet blowing!....
Ladies and gents, here's my second Dolly whittering of the day and this one is reserved purely for unashamed self-promotion and the promotion of others.
As you know I started writing this literary masterpiece of a blog (ahem....oh ok, attempt at some kind of writing type stuff), and I can honestly say I love it. It's a catharsis and allows me to be me, honest and open with all 4 of you trusted, special readers out there...well, 5 now, my mum's read it, Hi Mum!
But I also want to promote the blogs of 2 lovely friends of mine as well.
Firstly, this is a link to Martin's blog: http://martinisblogtastic.blogspot.com/. It's really funny and it's written by a thoroughly nice guy. Please read it, if you don't well I'll cry...and we know that's not going to be pretty!!
Secondly, here's a link to Jack's blog: http://thethoughtsofabrokenclock.blogspot.com/. He's a mere little bud to this business we call blogging, so please read it and give him loads of encouragement.
Writing is hard work sometimes so I hope all 4 of you, I mean 5...sorry mum, like and enjoy what you're reading.
Right that's enough from me.
Till next time....x
P.S. if the links to the blogs don't work, I'm sorry but my lack of techywhizz skills is well known, but you can type the links into the address bar at the top of the screen....even I can manage that. Go on, you know you want to......!
As you know I started writing this literary masterpiece of a blog (ahem....oh ok, attempt at some kind of writing type stuff), and I can honestly say I love it. It's a catharsis and allows me to be me, honest and open with all 4 of you trusted, special readers out there...well, 5 now, my mum's read it, Hi Mum!
But I also want to promote the blogs of 2 lovely friends of mine as well.
Firstly, this is a link to Martin's blog: http://martinisblogtastic.blogspot.com/. It's really funny and it's written by a thoroughly nice guy. Please read it, if you don't well I'll cry...and we know that's not going to be pretty!!
Secondly, here's a link to Jack's blog: http://thethoughtsofabrokenclock.blogspot.com/. He's a mere little bud to this business we call blogging, so please read it and give him loads of encouragement.
Writing is hard work sometimes so I hope all 4 of you, I mean 5...sorry mum, like and enjoy what you're reading.
Right that's enough from me.
Till next time....x
P.S. if the links to the blogs don't work, I'm sorry but my lack of techywhizz skills is well known, but you can type the links into the address bar at the top of the screen....even I can manage that. Go on, you know you want to......!
Friday, 5 March 2010
I hate loving food....
I'm sat here typing this with a packet of rennies and a cuppa next to me moaning about how much food I've eaten tonight....ouch :-(
It's my own fault though, I went to my friends for tea where I was very well fed...mince and onion over chips with bread and butter pudding and custard for afters (very northern), lurvely. The thing is though my troffing didn't stop there. Oh no, we went out to a local film night and there were 'refreshments'. We all thought it would just be some stewed tea in a styrofoam cup with a couple of jammie dodgers and a viscount biscuit, nope it was a full sandwich buffet with cake, scones and tea. Well it would be rude not to have a little something after folk have gone to so much trouble making it. Hence now why I'm in pain and about to change into something with an elasticated waist!
I love my food and for anyone who knows me can see the evidence of this pure, unadultered, passionate love, I think my arse is going to need it's own uni card at this rate! I've always loved my food, I've never been one of those girls who sits and picks at a meal and I've never been one to starve myself in a crisis either...if anything it has the opposite effect.
I do though need to take myself in hand and start eating more healthily and stop kidding myself that just walking up and down the fruit and veg aisle in Tesco's counts towards my 5-a-day!!
Oooh, I need another rennie.....
Till next time....x
It's my own fault though, I went to my friends for tea where I was very well fed...mince and onion over chips with bread and butter pudding and custard for afters (very northern), lurvely. The thing is though my troffing didn't stop there. Oh no, we went out to a local film night and there were 'refreshments'. We all thought it would just be some stewed tea in a styrofoam cup with a couple of jammie dodgers and a viscount biscuit, nope it was a full sandwich buffet with cake, scones and tea. Well it would be rude not to have a little something after folk have gone to so much trouble making it. Hence now why I'm in pain and about to change into something with an elasticated waist!
I love my food and for anyone who knows me can see the evidence of this pure, unadultered, passionate love, I think my arse is going to need it's own uni card at this rate! I've always loved my food, I've never been one of those girls who sits and picks at a meal and I've never been one to starve myself in a crisis either...if anything it has the opposite effect.
I do though need to take myself in hand and start eating more healthily and stop kidding myself that just walking up and down the fruit and veg aisle in Tesco's counts towards my 5-a-day!!
Oooh, I need another rennie.....
Till next time....x
Thursday, 4 March 2010
The sun it is a shining and with it some warmth and happiness.
I've just come back from having lunch with one of my friends, and for the first time since September last year we sat outside and stuffed our faces. It was heavenly, I think I may even have added to my freckle count too.
Don't get me wrong there's still a slight chill in the air but the sun's out and everything seems to be ok with the world....well for now, I'm sure I can find something to moan about just give me a bit of time.
Last night I went to a book reading by Jenn Ashworth at uni and it was really good (sorry to rub it in Martin!). Jenn's book A Kind of Intimacy is an absolute must read, it's very funny and is very northern, in sense of humour as well as setting. Jenn also writes a blog too, Every Day I Lie a Little, which I follow on here too.
As a newby writer myself it's great to go to things like this because it's always interesting to hear how other people write, where they get their inspiration from, motivation etc etc., and it also gives you the spur to carry on with your own writing because you know that you're not the only one with writers block sat there trying to figure out how to link 2 things together with absolutely no clue, so after 14 cups of tea, cleaning out the cat litter tray and scrubbing the loo to try and take your mind off it, you fnally get the spark.
I find staring at a blank computer screen (with it switched on...obviously) the most daunting thing ever, but I know writing is what I want to do with the rest of my days, so I keep staring till it all falls into place.
Anyway, on that note I'm off to make a cuppa and clean out the litter tray....
Till next time....x
I've just come back from having lunch with one of my friends, and for the first time since September last year we sat outside and stuffed our faces. It was heavenly, I think I may even have added to my freckle count too.
Don't get me wrong there's still a slight chill in the air but the sun's out and everything seems to be ok with the world....well for now, I'm sure I can find something to moan about just give me a bit of time.
Last night I went to a book reading by Jenn Ashworth at uni and it was really good (sorry to rub it in Martin!). Jenn's book A Kind of Intimacy is an absolute must read, it's very funny and is very northern, in sense of humour as well as setting. Jenn also writes a blog too, Every Day I Lie a Little, which I follow on here too.
As a newby writer myself it's great to go to things like this because it's always interesting to hear how other people write, where they get their inspiration from, motivation etc etc., and it also gives you the spur to carry on with your own writing because you know that you're not the only one with writers block sat there trying to figure out how to link 2 things together with absolutely no clue, so after 14 cups of tea, cleaning out the cat litter tray and scrubbing the loo to try and take your mind off it, you fnally get the spark.
I find staring at a blank computer screen (with it switched on...obviously) the most daunting thing ever, but I know writing is what I want to do with the rest of my days, so I keep staring till it all falls into place.
Anyway, on that note I'm off to make a cuppa and clean out the litter tray....
Till next time....x
Jenn Ashworth,
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
You couldn't make it up....

Now, as I've written before I love my glossy magazines but I have to draw the line at the real life women's weeklies, I'm sorry I can't stand them.
Last night the BBC (now if they're making cuts to make programmes on subjects like this, they're best saving their money), showed a programme about a real life womens weekly, Real People, and you genuinely couldn't make this stuff up.
I turned it on to see an Elvis impersonator singing to donkeys, because he felt he had a spiritual connection to A) Elvis an B) Donkeys......insert your own jokes; a woman who had a brain haemorrhage whilst trying to, well lets just say enjoy herself in the privacy of her own home....(ahem), and a woman who was being poisoned by her husband, he was putting mercury in her tea and this is to name but a few.
What has become of folk where we feel we have to sell embarassing stories of ourselves
for money, is nothing sacred anymore. I genuinely felt sorry for these people (apart from the Elvis impersonnating donkey entertainer), that they felt they had to do this.
I am all for a good gossip, I love nothing more than a juicy titbit to lift the spirits but I don't want to see people's dirty laundry flying about, I know times are hard but a bit of pride goes a long way!!
Till next time....x
Monday, 1 March 2010
It takes over your life...
Techology is not my friend nope, it doesn't like me in fact I would go so far as to say...it hates me.
I'm not a techy whizz geek by any stretch of the imagination, I can find my way round a lap top and can use the internet with the best of them, but thats it.
The latest technology revolution is the iPad, which basically just looks like an iPhone on steroids. What does it do which is so different to the itouchyphonepods everyone was raving on about not so long ago. I tell you what it doesn't do, fit into a clutch bag on a night out and I can't tuck it into my bra for convenience when I'm wandering around town shopping, with Kasabian blasting in my ears. What I'm saying is it's not very girl friendly!
Now, I love my iPod (yes, it's pink...I know you're not surprised) as it means not only can I listen to the musical soul food I love, it also means I can drown out the everyday drone of boring people and ignore everyone...anti-social, moi...never let it be said!
But really, how practical is this technology becoming, what's going to be next, the iThinker which we charge up at night as we sleep, the iCar for those people who are just to busy to drive the car themselves or the iLife for all of those who are too busy to have one because we're waiting for all our technology to charge up so we can get on with the daily humdrum.
Technology is taking over, it really is...though how cool would it be if our computers could make a cuppa?!!
Till next time...x
I'm not a techy whizz geek by any stretch of the imagination, I can find my way round a lap top and can use the internet with the best of them, but thats it.
The latest technology revolution is the iPad, which basically just looks like an iPhone on steroids. What does it do which is so different to the itouchyphonepods everyone was raving on about not so long ago. I tell you what it doesn't do, fit into a clutch bag on a night out and I can't tuck it into my bra for convenience when I'm wandering around town shopping, with Kasabian blasting in my ears. What I'm saying is it's not very girl friendly!
Now, I love my iPod (yes, it's pink...I know you're not surprised) as it means not only can I listen to the musical soul food I love, it also means I can drown out the everyday drone of boring people and ignore everyone...anti-social, moi...never let it be said!
But really, how practical is this technology becoming, what's going to be next, the iThinker which we charge up at night as we sleep, the iCar for those people who are just to busy to drive the car themselves or the iLife for all of those who are too busy to have one because we're waiting for all our technology to charge up so we can get on with the daily humdrum.
Technology is taking over, it really is...though how cool would it be if our computers could make a cuppa?!!
Till next time...x
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