Thursday, 29 July 2010

Rollercoasters are not for the faint hearted....

I've had a roller coaster of a week this week. It's had its emotional highs and lows, turning points and all round general stuff which make each week unique to all the others.

First and foremost I want to send out all my love and support to Mike, Sue and family. I still can't find the appropriate words of comfort for you, but you are in my prayers and I will always be here. Joe will never be alone as he has two of the best parents a child could ever have.

I want to wish Rob a fantastic 40th birthday. It's so comforting to know that I have several years ahead of me before I reach this landmark of a year....though I might not get there at all after all the pisstaking i've been doing this week about Rob's age, hahahaha.

I also want to offer my congratulations to Anthony and Michael who got married last Monday, the day before my birthday. You could have waited an extra day and betrothed yourselves on my birthday!! Anyway, I am so happy for both of them, I've never known two people more suited to each other. I wish you both every happiness for the future...and why wasn't I asked to be a bridesmaid, hmm??

I was going to make this particular blog a social commentary of some ilk or other, but i've not felt the need for it today. Don't worry, my soap box is ready and waiting for an outing which I'm sure will be sooner rather than later...aren't you the lucky ones, haha

I can't believe it's August on Sunday, the summer has flown over so fast...oh wait, what summer, all its done is rain, threaten rain, and stop raining only to start again. Is it any wonder folk emigrate to warmer climbs to escape the threat of trenchfoot and needing to have an umbrella surgically removed from your hand from constant use.

It's been a while since I've shared a nugget of my mum's with you...well, in a bid not to disappoint. My mum was telling me that one of my cousins (who I've not seen since Maggie stopped the school milk) has married a Peruvian girl....from Peruvia! Yup, I think we can safely say there's not much hope for me now is there, and thank god for sat nav!

Before I say ta ra, I wanted to say a thanks to Lisa and Martin for Sunday night and putting up with my endless stream of tears.

Till next time....x

Monday, 26 July 2010


How are you liking the new Disco Dolly image change?? It's a bit funky innit?!

I'm taking part in the first ICYBTD (International Change Your Blog Template Day) organised by

I hope you like it and for those of you that can, please take part.

Till next time.....x

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Carpe Diem, well after a cuppa....

I've not had chance to sit and write for quite a while, what with working and other life stuff getting in the way.

I'd like to say I'm going to sit in front of an open window and let all the inspiration blow in to me threw the gentle billowing curtain and set my fingers alight with magic words to tease and tantilise folk who might happen to read it....but i'm not. I'm sat in front of a wall with a cuppa and a cherry scone...well there was a cherry scone till about 5 minutes ago, now it's just a cuppa.

So I think that sums up my Sunday afternoon quite nicely really, apart from sorting out some clothes washing otherwise I'm going to work in a bridesmaids dress tomorrow.

I love lazy sundays which involve nothing more than nothing to do other than chilling out, watching Hollyoaks omnibuses and drinking tea ...oh, and nursing a hangover sometimes.

I hope you all have a good Sunday whatever you're doing.

Till next time....x

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Today of all days.....

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for their lovely, kind birthday wishes. I never realised I was so popular, hahaha. Thank you though, it means a lot. I'm now in bed with a cuppa and a piece of cake, damn fine way to spend a birthday i reckon.

Secondly, yes I know it's only been 24 hours but I'm going to moan....what's with the weather. St Swithen will you bugger off with your persistent pissing down. Not only has it meant i've had a very soggy birthday but also it doesn't half put a dampner (pardon the pun) on the summer. Get it sorted!!! Maybe it's my own fault to be honest, I was whittering on the other week about the smell of the summer rain, think I may have jibbered on a bit to much about it. Just goes to show, be careful what you wish for.

Anyway, my moan is over I just hope the weather picks up by the weekend otherwise I'll be wearing flippers and a snorkel to go shopping instead of a dress and flip flops.

I just want to say a big congratulations to the third years who graduated today....scary thought, that'll be me in two years!

Till next time....x

Monday, 19 July 2010

She lives!.......

I'm alive, I'm here and I'm still doing what I'm doing, in relative good working order....well almost, I'm still recovering from going clubbing on Saturday night (I'm getting on a bit now you know, it takes it's toll!).

I would like to apologise for my complete lack of blog action, general musings and mad woman rantings over the past several weeks or so. I'd like to say it's because I've become someone very important and internationally renowned as being someone very important...but it's not. I'm still working the 9 to 5, yes three months down the line Dolly is still doing a Dolly and earning a crust for the summer. I have to say I've enjoyed it, yes it's scuppered my plans of laying about in front of the telly, throwing cat biscuits at the cats every now and again, and reading something other than the Metro and Grazia, but hey, it's money and it's paying for my jollies to far flung lands such as Amsterdam (again...!), Paris (Bonjour) and Whitby (eh up).

It's Dolly's birthday tomorrow and I turn the grand old age of.... - OH, AS IF I'm going to divulge that kinda info, I want to keep you guessing that my youthful good looks and shining spirit of happiness (once I've had 2 cups of tea and a berroca) hide the true age of Ms Peg, besides isn't it rude to ask a woman her age these days?! But in the spirit of summer, I shall be (ahem) 21.....again.

My folks are back home now, fully retired and embracing the lie in's. It's nice to have them back. I've been used to them living away for over 10 years but if truth be known, now i'm in my current student state, a free meal once or twice a week and help with my assignments is a definite plus to the retirement of my folks. I love them both dearly and it'll be nice to spend a lot more time with them now.

Hmmm, what else has been happening.........I passed my first year, woop! I have to admit it was a squeaky bum moment, not that I had any doubts I'd pass (ok, maybe one or two), but for my overall mark. I am happy with it, I can do better and will do better next year, but the main thing is, I passed. I celebrated with some chocolate (didn't think that would surprise you).

I've had a furniture re-shuffle at DP towers, and it's looking a lot more homely it has to be said. Out with the old and in with the new, it seems to be a saying which can be applied to many different people and situations at the moment, you know who you are.

But generally, all in all, for the most part (late nights are really starting to take their toll now) I'm happy with my lot in life at the mo. Ok, so I didn't win the euromillions on Friday night - damn, Jason Statham hasn't moved in next door - double damn, and I've not been spotted in the queue at Sainsbury's to be the next Bond girl and drive around in an Aston know I was saying I was happy with my lot, I lied!!

I've been keeping in touch with some of the gorgeous lovelies on my uni course and I think they're having a pretty good summer too, by all accounts. It'll be nice to get back in September to have a proper catch up with them...and start working on my pool skills again.

Well I think I shall leave it there for now, I've finished my maltesers so had better crack on and do some more work. I promise I won't leave it so long next time.

Till next time...x