Thursday, 29 July 2010

Rollercoasters are not for the faint hearted....

I've had a roller coaster of a week this week. It's had its emotional highs and lows, turning points and all round general stuff which make each week unique to all the others.

First and foremost I want to send out all my love and support to Mike, Sue and family. I still can't find the appropriate words of comfort for you, but you are in my prayers and I will always be here. Joe will never be alone as he has two of the best parents a child could ever have.

I want to wish Rob a fantastic 40th birthday. It's so comforting to know that I have several years ahead of me before I reach this landmark of a year....though I might not get there at all after all the pisstaking i've been doing this week about Rob's age, hahahaha.

I also want to offer my congratulations to Anthony and Michael who got married last Monday, the day before my birthday. You could have waited an extra day and betrothed yourselves on my birthday!! Anyway, I am so happy for both of them, I've never known two people more suited to each other. I wish you both every happiness for the future...and why wasn't I asked to be a bridesmaid, hmm??

I was going to make this particular blog a social commentary of some ilk or other, but i've not felt the need for it today. Don't worry, my soap box is ready and waiting for an outing which I'm sure will be sooner rather than later...aren't you the lucky ones, haha

I can't believe it's August on Sunday, the summer has flown over so fast...oh wait, what summer, all its done is rain, threaten rain, and stop raining only to start again. Is it any wonder folk emigrate to warmer climbs to escape the threat of trenchfoot and needing to have an umbrella surgically removed from your hand from constant use.

It's been a while since I've shared a nugget of my mum's with you...well, in a bid not to disappoint. My mum was telling me that one of my cousins (who I've not seen since Maggie stopped the school milk) has married a Peruvian girl....from Peruvia! Yup, I think we can safely say there's not much hope for me now is there, and thank god for sat nav!

Before I say ta ra, I wanted to say a thanks to Lisa and Martin for Sunday night and putting up with my endless stream of tears.

Till next time....x

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