Sunday, 4 April 2010

Not quite a cracking day.....

Sorry for the really lame ass blog title, I couldn't think of anything Easter related which could sum up my day really.

To say it was one of those days is an understatement. After being kept awake till 2.15am this morning by my neighbours having a party and their music so loud I could hear every single lyric, to the point that Duran Duran's 'Reflex' was mingling into Atonement and I've seriously gone off Florence and the Machine for a while. I was that furious I was going to let their tyres down this morning on my way out but I didn't in the end, I did receive some excellent advice from my friend Tony on how to do it effectively, and not the girly way (which I would have done and probably not very successfully). All is quiet tonight thank god.

So after peeling myself out of bed this morning (it took every ounce of energy I had believe me) I headed off to Burnley to spend the day with my family, but it took me longer than usual as my car decided that today was the day to introduce the death rattle and spew smoke out as I was hurtling along the motorway. Needless to say I spent an hour sat on the hard shoulder, getting beeped at (why do other drivers do that, beep when you've broken down...?) waiting for the RAC, playing 'I Spy' for one (trust me, there is no challenge after you've done Car, Lampost, Road, Grass and Car again), and having my brother tell me off for not getting him to look at my car sooner when I first realised there was a problem! So I ended up in Burnley an hour and a half later than planned. The rest of the day was lovely and had lots of cuddles with Belle (my niece), and a lovely roast dinner.

So my car is still in Burnley waiting for my dad and brother to fix it for me (they're good to me). Don't think I'll be on the Formula 1 engineering team any time soon, hehehe.

Just checked Jesus' tweets on Twitter and he's ok....phew.

Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Easter ate loads of chocolate and enjoyed the intermitent sunshine spells. I could fill this void with so many Easter and egg puns but I don't think I could cope with the groaning. I'm off for a cracking cuppa which I'm sure will be eggcellent...think I'll leave it there before I get lynched!!

Till next time....x


  1. I'm so glad you put at least one pun in (well, two including the title)!
    I'm happier, though, that you're safe and sound after your motor's maladies!
    I'm curious to know the difference between girls and boys when it comes to letting tyres down... Does the former involve unscrewing the cap and the latter involve slashing by any chance?

  2. Aww, thank you. I am safe and sound, so it's the bus for me for at least the first week back, I don't mind though.

    I'd unscrew the caps on his tyres but by the time I've fannyed about trying to unscrew them, I'd just end up kicking the tyres and stropping off. Lol

  3. Oh Dolly........the subtleties of your style do amuse me so. Innit sweet to know peoples love ya baby - seems martin and I are avid fans of the wonder that is Dolly Peg xx
