In my youth (not that long ago I'll hasten to add) I spent my weekends thus: Friday night - me and my friends would go to what's now Alpine (but in its dim and distant past it used to be called the Brahms and Lizst), and spend our Friday nights in there. Saturday nights we'd be going dancing round our handbags...classy! I'd spend at least 2 hours getting ready doing the usual prep a girl of clubbin age would do - I actually think I'm single handedly responsible for the hole in the ozone layer with the amount of hairspray I used, I'm sure I kept Vidal Sasson in business for years with my mousse and hairspray spending alone. Then we'd head off to the Kingsway in Southport or the Paradox in Aintree for a night of dancing, with the occasional smooch thrown in for good measure. Sunday, nursing very sore feet from wearing such ridiculous shoes and trying to chip off the layers of mascara from my eyelashes......good times.
What's brought on this trip down memory lane...well, I'm listening to my ipod as I type this and thinking I haven't been clubbing for absolutely bloody ages - which will soon be rectified when I go to Amsterdam for a few days at the end of the month - and harking back to the days when I had very few cares in the world, and the most important thing I had to worry about was driving lessons, working and wondering what to wear.
I had the time of my life and wouldn't change it for the world and would love to go back to that time just to be a fly on the wall...laugh hysterically at myself, and make sure there was no photographic evidence which could be wheeled out for later years embrassment
Oh my god, I looooove this song!!!
Till next time...x
I'm not much of a clubber meself, but Alpine is a pretty good place!