Ok, so my dutch isn't wonderful but at least I tried (and cheated...I used babelfish!).
Well, today we had our last first year creative writing session today...it was a presentation session where we could stand up and read out some of our work to our year group peers. It was a great morning, but also tinged with a bit of sadness as I'm not going to see everyone for nearly 5 months now, I've been so used to seeing the same faces since September, it'll be strange. It also means I need to go out and ply my secretarial wares and get myself a job for the summer. I also found out I've had 2 poems published in Question Mark. A good day all round.
But before there's any talk of working for a living, I've got Amsterdam on Wednesday for a week. Whilst, yes part of it will be spent in the pub the other part will be spent chilling out, reading and doing some writing. Oh yes, Dolly's going all continental!!
Well I shall leave it there, I need to finish my assignments which are due and try and sort out my packing which will consist of throwing clean clothes in the case and ironing when I get there, hahaha.
I also want to wish all of my fellow LIT1000er's good luck for their presentations this week, I have faith in all of you (yes, even you) that you'll be absolutely fine and I'll be thinking of you...in the pub with a beer in my hand...woo hoo! Good luck guys.
Right, I'm off. I've got tea to drink, work to do and partying to be done. I've been listening to Handsome Boy Modelling School's song The Truth, fantastic song, and I've also been having a bit of classical today and Andre Rieu is hitting the spot...and yes I've been waltzing around the bedroom - I got a bit dizzy though so gave up!!
I shall see you all when I get back!
Tot de volgende keer...x
Monday, 26 April 2010
Friday, 23 April 2010
That was the week that was.....
Well my lovelies, it's Friday (thank God!) and I'm sat at home nursing a stonker of a cold, a croaky squeak of a voice and a cuppa.
Presentation was done today and is now out of the way and not to be worried about anymore. All went ok, I was nervous and talked into the piece of paper a lot, but hey, I had 1953 words to try and tell people without sounding like an incompetent muppet, pressure! But all was received well, I stumbled on my questions a little bit but that will come with practice and confidence, it's a learning curve (ooh, I do sound naff don't I??). I planned to use diversion tactics and wore some nice shoes so people might not notice what was going on above the ankles, not sure if it worked. I did apologise to my group in advance for the utter pile of poop I was going to present to them. All in all though I was happy with how things went.
I've just spent a great afternoon with Martin playing pool. We had such a laugh my cheeks are hurting from laughing. The scores pretty much evened themselves out and I think we can declare it a draw even though we ended potting some of each others balls, and potting the white on a fairly regular basis. Jack joined us as well later on and the three of us had a really good afternoon (well I hope the other two did, I know I did, hahaha), especially after it being one of those weeks.
I need to sort out my wardrobe attire for my holiday next week. I am staying with my gorgeous friend Garry for the week...god help him! hahaha, I'm joking Garry, I am well house-trained and make a cracking cuppa :-)
I'm reading out at our group presentation for Creative Writing on Monday (if my croaky squeak holds out that long)...nerves again. I'm not standing on that bloody stage again though, no siree! The only time you'll see me on stage again is accepting my oscar!
Right lovelies, I hope you have a great weekend and whatever you do it makes you smile.
Till next time....x
Presentation was done today and is now out of the way and not to be worried about anymore. All went ok, I was nervous and talked into the piece of paper a lot, but hey, I had 1953 words to try and tell people without sounding like an incompetent muppet, pressure! But all was received well, I stumbled on my questions a little bit but that will come with practice and confidence, it's a learning curve (ooh, I do sound naff don't I??). I planned to use diversion tactics and wore some nice shoes so people might not notice what was going on above the ankles, not sure if it worked. I did apologise to my group in advance for the utter pile of poop I was going to present to them. All in all though I was happy with how things went.
I've just spent a great afternoon with Martin playing pool. We had such a laugh my cheeks are hurting from laughing. The scores pretty much evened themselves out and I think we can declare it a draw even though we ended potting some of each others balls, and potting the white on a fairly regular basis. Jack joined us as well later on and the three of us had a really good afternoon (well I hope the other two did, I know I did, hahaha), especially after it being one of those weeks.
I need to sort out my wardrobe attire for my holiday next week. I am staying with my gorgeous friend Garry for the week...god help him! hahaha, I'm joking Garry, I am well house-trained and make a cracking cuppa :-)
I'm reading out at our group presentation for Creative Writing on Monday (if my croaky squeak holds out that long)...nerves again. I'm not standing on that bloody stage again though, no siree! The only time you'll see me on stage again is accepting my oscar!
Right lovelies, I hope you have a great weekend and whatever you do it makes you smile.
Till next time....x
Monday, 19 April 2010
Get your finger out Aeolus!....
I apologise in advance if this turns into a rant but I'm not arf getting pipped off with this volcanic ash business. Whats going on??! The reason for my 'on the verge of hysteria-ness' is I'm going away next week for a few days and I need all this volcano ash to be gone, spewing the other way or just generally not there. I'm selfish I know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one to be having a moan about it, natural disasters don't half scupper your plans sometimes. If it doesn't settle I'm considering water skiing over, I admit not the most attractive look I've ever carried off it'll be like watching a penguin on two ice lolly sticks!, but it beats swimming or rowing there.
And whats with having no wind to blow it in the other direction? It's sods law, because I can bet you a pound to a penny as soon as I book to get my hair done it'll be hurricane fred outside ready to get my salon spruced tresses looking like the wild woman of borneo, coincidence, hmmmmm..........
It was the same at christmas with the eurotunnel train fiasco, all the controls had frozen so the trains wouldn't work...err, hang on, don't the trains operate under the sea away from all the ice and snow????
I feel better for a moan now, I've got it off my chest.
So my jaunt to the land of red light bulbs and tulips is next week. I promise I won't mention Amsterdam till I get back because I do have a tendancy to whitter on about it and I can tell you're all bored already, so I'll shut up. But I will say this, it's a beautiful city and if you get the chance to go, do, and go off the tourist trail, that way you find some fantastic bars etc., and save yourself a few euros too.
I hope you all had a great weekend by the way.
Till next time...x
And whats with having no wind to blow it in the other direction? It's sods law, because I can bet you a pound to a penny as soon as I book to get my hair done it'll be hurricane fred outside ready to get my salon spruced tresses looking like the wild woman of borneo, coincidence, hmmmmm..........
It was the same at christmas with the eurotunnel train fiasco, all the controls had frozen so the trains wouldn't work...err, hang on, don't the trains operate under the sea away from all the ice and snow????
I feel better for a moan now, I've got it off my chest.
So my jaunt to the land of red light bulbs and tulips is next week. I promise I won't mention Amsterdam till I get back because I do have a tendancy to whitter on about it and I can tell you're all bored already, so I'll shut up. But I will say this, it's a beautiful city and if you get the chance to go, do, and go off the tourist trail, that way you find some fantastic bars etc., and save yourself a few euros too.
I hope you all had a great weekend by the way.
Till next time...x
lolly sticks,
red light bulbs,
Volcanic Ash
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Friday, 16 April 2010
TFI Friday!....
I am so glad it's Friday today. It has been one of those weeks I can tell you. My workload is about the treble the size of the amount of time I've actually physically got! So tomorrow is spent in the uni library trying to get my head around my Shakespeare presentation which still only consists of 2 slides and a brief plan. Because of my jaunt to Amsterdam at the end of the month all my remaining assignments need to be in for before I go!!!! I am currently having a stress.....so I suppose I should get off here and get some work done but I thought I'd have a calming lull before the storm.
My goodfriend Talullah performed from her musical repetoire last night in Brighton and she's shared a couple of video's for her adoring fans to watch on her blog. Please take a look, you can find the link to her blog at the bottom of mine, and please say hello...she doesn't bite.
So what are you all up to this weekend, I hope you've all got good things planned. I shall definitely be having a little (ok, large) glass of wine on Saturday night, it would be rude not to.
Right gorgeous lovelies I'm off, it's curry night tonight and I'm cooking - you can't beat a good curry.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Till next time...x
My goodfriend Talullah performed from her musical repetoire last night in Brighton and she's shared a couple of video's for her adoring fans to watch on her blog. Please take a look, you can find the link to her blog at the bottom of mine, and please say hello...she doesn't bite.
So what are you all up to this weekend, I hope you've all got good things planned. I shall definitely be having a little (ok, large) glass of wine on Saturday night, it would be rude not to.
Right gorgeous lovelies I'm off, it's curry night tonight and I'm cooking - you can't beat a good curry.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Till next time...x
One of those weeks,
Talullah Goodhead,
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Disco Dolly.....

In my youth (not that long ago I'll hasten to add) I spent my weekends thus: Friday night - me and my friends would go to what's now Alpine (but in its dim and distant past it used to be called the Brahms and Lizst), and spend our Friday nights in there. Saturday nights we'd be going dancing round our handbags...classy! I'd spend at least 2 hours getting ready doing the usual prep a girl of clubbin age would do - I actually think I'm single handedly responsible for the hole in the ozone layer with the amount of hairspray I used, I'm sure I kept Vidal Sasson in business for years with my mousse and hairspray spending alone. Then we'd head off to the Kingsway in Southport or the Paradox in Aintree for a night of dancing, with the occasional smooch thrown in for good measure. Sunday, nursing very sore feet from wearing such ridiculous shoes and trying to chip off the layers of mascara from my eyelashes......good times.
What's brought on this trip down memory lane...well, I'm listening to my ipod as I type this and thinking I haven't been clubbing for absolutely bloody ages - which will soon be rectified when I go to Amsterdam for a few days at the end of the month - and harking back to the days when I had very few cares in the world, and the most important thing I had to worry about was driving lessons, working and wondering what to wear.
I had the time of my life and wouldn't change it for the world and would love to go back to that time just to be a fly on the wall...laugh hysterically at myself, and make sure there was no photographic evidence which could be wheeled out for later years embrassment
Oh my god, I looooove this song!!!
Till next time...x
80's music,
good times,
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Ok, ok so I jinxed the weather and it's freezing again. From 2pm this afternoon it's been cloudy, cold and greyer than it was yesterday. That's the last time I do a weather prediction...a weather girl I'm not, obviously!
However, that doesn't mean to say it's detracted away from my lovely mood. I only had a brief chance to catch up with my online life this morning before I had to spend an hour making myself look presentable for uni today, and I was reading blogs posted and saw one to Dolly from Martin, I can honestly say it's left me speechless at the genuine, heartfelt words. I'm truly touched by what he said, thank you so much Martin ;-)
Sorry this blog has taken me so long to write, I've been on the phone to one of my best mates, Di. When we get talking there's no stopping us and the conversation can cover anything from Abba to Zulu Warriors (and whatever happens to fall in between). Hi Di.
I got my 1950's fiction piece back yesterday and I'm really chuffed with my mark so I'm going to submit it for a writing competition. Why not, I've nothing to lose and possibly lots to gain. We have to take risks in life or else we'd never achieve anything. I've taken a risk today, it's something I had to do. Whilst it's not parachuting onto a li-lo in the middle of the mersey or volunteering to climb snowdon in a tutu and fairy wings (oh what a vision that creates....), it's a personal risk.
Tomorrow it's a trip to central library in Liverpool AGAIN! I'm thinking of moving in there with a sleeping bag and a thermos. I'm slowly making my way through books in there for assignments like Tiger Woods made his way through extra-marital hi-jinks (allegedly!!). Shakespeare is quite honestly killing my brain one cell at a time and there's not many in there with a capacity over 0.000000001% so, I need all the help I can get. My workload list is mounting up to, so it's about time I actually applied myself and got some work done....think I'll just make a cuppa first, anyone for a cuppa??
So I'm 3 weeks away from finishing my first year as a student, only another 2 years to go before I can (hopefully) walk up onto that stage in my cap and gown, trying my best not to trip up the steps, go arse over tit and falling at the feet of the main handshaker who gives us the pieces of paper we've accumulated a third world debt for, a stoop from carrying so many books and an aversion to reading any material other than The Metro or Facebook status updates. I know in my heart I have not one single second of regret doing this, it's the best decision I have ever made...and there endeth the sermon according to St Dolly of Peg.
Till next time....x
However, that doesn't mean to say it's detracted away from my lovely mood. I only had a brief chance to catch up with my online life this morning before I had to spend an hour making myself look presentable for uni today, and I was reading blogs posted and saw one to Dolly from Martin, I can honestly say it's left me speechless at the genuine, heartfelt words. I'm truly touched by what he said, thank you so much Martin ;-)
Sorry this blog has taken me so long to write, I've been on the phone to one of my best mates, Di. When we get talking there's no stopping us and the conversation can cover anything from Abba to Zulu Warriors (and whatever happens to fall in between). Hi Di.
I got my 1950's fiction piece back yesterday and I'm really chuffed with my mark so I'm going to submit it for a writing competition. Why not, I've nothing to lose and possibly lots to gain. We have to take risks in life or else we'd never achieve anything. I've taken a risk today, it's something I had to do. Whilst it's not parachuting onto a li-lo in the middle of the mersey or volunteering to climb snowdon in a tutu and fairy wings (oh what a vision that creates....), it's a personal risk.
Tomorrow it's a trip to central library in Liverpool AGAIN! I'm thinking of moving in there with a sleeping bag and a thermos. I'm slowly making my way through books in there for assignments like Tiger Woods made his way through extra-marital hi-jinks (allegedly!!). Shakespeare is quite honestly killing my brain one cell at a time and there's not many in there with a capacity over 0.000000001% so, I need all the help I can get. My workload list is mounting up to, so it's about time I actually applied myself and got some work done....think I'll just make a cuppa first, anyone for a cuppa??
So I'm 3 weeks away from finishing my first year as a student, only another 2 years to go before I can (hopefully) walk up onto that stage in my cap and gown, trying my best not to trip up the steps, go arse over tit and falling at the feet of the main handshaker who gives us the pieces of paper we've accumulated a third world debt for, a stoop from carrying so many books and an aversion to reading any material other than The Metro or Facebook status updates. I know in my heart I have not one single second of regret doing this, it's the best decision I have ever made...and there endeth the sermon according to St Dolly of Peg.
Till next time....x
Saturday, 10 April 2010
I'm going to whisper this as I don't want to jinx it but it looks like we might be in for a nice spell of sunny weather next week. Don't panic I'm not getting my bikini out just yet..or at all, it's actually written into the constitution that I should never be seen in public in swimwear that exposes anymore than 10% of my body!
My Dad's gone back to Germany today to finish his teaching contract before he retires at the end of June. Even though he's been working away for 15 years it still makes me sad when I have to wave him off. My Mum is home for good now and getting stuff sorted for moving into their new des'res at the end of April. They're going to be living 10 minutes up the road so I can pop in for my tea and for company for my Mum, till my Dad's home again. I've spent some proper time with them over Easter and it's been lovely.
I've been trying to battle my way through Shakespeare this week and it's not going well. Much respect to the bard and all but he doesn't half waffle on a bit....sorry but he does, it's been a chewy assignment this one to say the least.
Well it's back to uni on Monday, I'm quite glad as I need to get back into some sort of routine again, and I've missed everyone (well, most people) though with my car being as sick as sick can be, it means I'll have to get up earlier so I can get the bus, I don't mind though, give me my ipod and a window to stare out of and I'm a happy little bunny. I've not got done half of the work I wanted to get done in fact I would probably say I achieved 0.000001% (yes, that much!) of what I wanted to do - 2 slides of a power point presentation and reading isn't really productive, ahh well, it'll all turn out good.
I'm off to Amsterdam for a few days at the end of this month so I'm booking my flight on Monday, I can't wait. It'll be great to catch up with everyone as I've not seen them since last year...thank god for Facebook and Twitter!
Right my gorgeous lovelies I shall leave you to enjoy the rest of your weekend whilst I go in search for some hayfever tablets, I've been sneezing for an hour...damn pollen!
Till next time...x
My Dad's gone back to Germany today to finish his teaching contract before he retires at the end of June. Even though he's been working away for 15 years it still makes me sad when I have to wave him off. My Mum is home for good now and getting stuff sorted for moving into their new des'res at the end of April. They're going to be living 10 minutes up the road so I can pop in for my tea and for company for my Mum, till my Dad's home again. I've spent some proper time with them over Easter and it's been lovely.
I've been trying to battle my way through Shakespeare this week and it's not going well. Much respect to the bard and all but he doesn't half waffle on a bit....sorry but he does, it's been a chewy assignment this one to say the least.
Well it's back to uni on Monday, I'm quite glad as I need to get back into some sort of routine again, and I've missed everyone (well, most people) though with my car being as sick as sick can be, it means I'll have to get up earlier so I can get the bus, I don't mind though, give me my ipod and a window to stare out of and I'm a happy little bunny. I've not got done half of the work I wanted to get done in fact I would probably say I achieved 0.000001% (yes, that much!) of what I wanted to do - 2 slides of a power point presentation and reading isn't really productive, ahh well, it'll all turn out good.
I'm off to Amsterdam for a few days at the end of this month so I'm booking my flight on Monday, I can't wait. It'll be great to catch up with everyone as I've not seen them since last year...thank god for Facebook and Twitter!
Right my gorgeous lovelies I shall leave you to enjoy the rest of your weekend whilst I go in search for some hayfever tablets, I've been sneezing for an hour...damn pollen!
Till next time...x
nice weather,
Monday, 5 April 2010
Prize giggler.....

I love to laugh, it's part of who I am, I love going to stand up comedy gigs etc etc., fantastic. I've just watched the Comedy Gala on Channel 4 and my chuckle muscles are hurting from laughing so much, bloody fantastic and all for charidee.
I have to laugh as well because not only at yesterdays motorway madness (the M65 isn't the funniest of places to break down, but then again it's not the Gaza Strip so not the worst of places), I wanted today to be productive, get my Shakespeare presentation up and running...I've started the first 2 slides - slide 1, William Shakespeare, slide 2, title of presentation - progress indeed, but not really as much as I wanted to get done but hey ho, I spent most of it either fannying about on the internet or watching telly. Lazy arse!
I want to wish my Dad a happy birthday for today. My Dad (with my brother) came to rescue me yesterday and furnished the pockets of the Halfords bosses so my car can get fixed, thanks Dad. I'll make you an extra special birthday cuppa when I see you tomorrow :-))
I thought I'd leave you with a giggle or two courtesy of my lovely Mum. When I was talking to her yesterday she told me she'd been busy not thinking(!) and that her and my Dad want to get the ball on the move for looking for an abode (bless her and her metaphors!). Happy Birthday for tomorrow Mum (I think I've ruined my chance of a birthday card later in the year don't you?). Lol
On a small note I don't know whether any of my faithful band of readers have been watching Wonders of the Solar System but it's been amazing. Now, I'll be the first to admit that my GCSE physics doesn't quite carry me on programmes like this but I've learnt quite a few things from it, not that I'll be transferring my degree to particle or quantum physics anytime soon, English it'll have to be. If you get the chance to watch it on iplayer, please do.
Till next time....x
Happy Birthday,
Lazy Arse,
stand up,
Wonders of the Solar System
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Not quite a cracking day.....
Sorry for the really lame ass blog title, I couldn't think of anything Easter related which could sum up my day really.
To say it was one of those days is an understatement. After being kept awake till 2.15am this morning by my neighbours having a party and their music so loud I could hear every single lyric, to the point that Duran Duran's 'Reflex' was mingling into Atonement and I've seriously gone off Florence and the Machine for a while. I was that furious I was going to let their tyres down this morning on my way out but I didn't in the end, I did receive some excellent advice from my friend Tony on how to do it effectively, and not the girly way (which I would have done and probably not very successfully). All is quiet tonight thank god.
So after peeling myself out of bed this morning (it took every ounce of energy I had believe me) I headed off to Burnley to spend the day with my family, but it took me longer than usual as my car decided that today was the day to introduce the death rattle and spew smoke out as I was hurtling along the motorway. Needless to say I spent an hour sat on the hard shoulder, getting beeped at (why do other drivers do that, beep when you've broken down...?) waiting for the RAC, playing 'I Spy' for one (trust me, there is no challenge after you've done Car, Lampost, Road, Grass and Car again), and having my brother tell me off for not getting him to look at my car sooner when I first realised there was a problem! So I ended up in Burnley an hour and a half later than planned. The rest of the day was lovely and had lots of cuddles with Belle (my niece), and a lovely roast dinner.
So my car is still in Burnley waiting for my dad and brother to fix it for me (they're good to me). Don't think I'll be on the Formula 1 engineering team any time soon, hehehe.
Just checked Jesus' tweets on Twitter and he's ok....phew.
Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Easter ate loads of chocolate and enjoyed the intermitent sunshine spells. I could fill this void with so many Easter and egg puns but I don't think I could cope with the groaning. I'm off for a cracking cuppa which I'm sure will be eggcellent...think I'll leave it there before I get lynched!!
Till next time....x
To say it was one of those days is an understatement. After being kept awake till 2.15am this morning by my neighbours having a party and their music so loud I could hear every single lyric, to the point that Duran Duran's 'Reflex' was mingling into Atonement and I've seriously gone off Florence and the Machine for a while. I was that furious I was going to let their tyres down this morning on my way out but I didn't in the end, I did receive some excellent advice from my friend Tony on how to do it effectively, and not the girly way (which I would have done and probably not very successfully). All is quiet tonight thank god.
So after peeling myself out of bed this morning (it took every ounce of energy I had believe me) I headed off to Burnley to spend the day with my family, but it took me longer than usual as my car decided that today was the day to introduce the death rattle and spew smoke out as I was hurtling along the motorway. Needless to say I spent an hour sat on the hard shoulder, getting beeped at (why do other drivers do that, beep when you've broken down...?) waiting for the RAC, playing 'I Spy' for one (trust me, there is no challenge after you've done Car, Lampost, Road, Grass and Car again), and having my brother tell me off for not getting him to look at my car sooner when I first realised there was a problem! So I ended up in Burnley an hour and a half later than planned. The rest of the day was lovely and had lots of cuddles with Belle (my niece), and a lovely roast dinner.
So my car is still in Burnley waiting for my dad and brother to fix it for me (they're good to me). Don't think I'll be on the Formula 1 engineering team any time soon, hehehe.
Just checked Jesus' tweets on Twitter and he's ok....phew.
Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely Easter ate loads of chocolate and enjoyed the intermitent sunshine spells. I could fill this void with so many Easter and egg puns but I don't think I could cope with the groaning. I'm off for a cracking cuppa which I'm sure will be eggcellent...think I'll leave it there before I get lynched!!
Till next time....x
Easter Bunnies,
hard shoulder,
I spy,
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Happy Easter....

This is just a quick one to wish everyone a Happy Easter (and lots of chocolate too!) and hopefully the sun will linger around till after the bank holiday and make it a good'un.
I'm spending Easter Sunday with my folks (for the first time in about 10 years, as they're home for easter this year), bro and his family...lots of cuddles and drools from Belle.
I'm keeping an eye on Jesus' tweets over the weekend so I'll keep you posted on developments.
Have a great holiday!
Till next time....x
Easter Bunnies,
Happy Easter,
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