Well, it's all been a bit busy of late really, since uni finished in May, I've done a trip to Amsterdam. Yes it was brilliant, yes I got unbelievably pissed at happy hour, yes, I suffered the day after and yes I got sun burnt, but altogether a bloody fantastic trip as always.
I've been working 2 jobs recently, my temp secretary job, and now I've got an evening and weekend job working in my local spar. I love it, I really do. Yes, I'm on my feet all day and they throb more than the pubescent front row of a Justin Bieber gig, but it's good.
I've gone glossy magazine crazy this week, i've resisted them for months because of not having time to read them but i'm like a junky for them at the moment. It doesn't help there's loads of brilliant freebies on the front of them "MAGPIE ALERT, MAGPIE ALERT', much better than the usual novel and beach bag of yesteryear. I am a sucker for them, I am a 'magazine editor giving away freebies to entice you to buy it's', dream, I really am. My personal favourites are Glamour and Grazia, followed closely at the heels by Marie Claire...and then Now magazine for brash celebrity titillation and gossip, with OK pulling up the rear (excuse the pun, ahem), just for the photos.
Talking of photo's, I've recently branched out into my destined career of international supermodel, uh huh, yup, you are now looking at, the new Kate Moss/Beyonce/Cindy Crawford. I know, it's a calling. I shall post a little post photo papping pic on here when I receive it. It was a cracking day and as the old adage goes, you can't polish a turd, but as my lovely friend Garry says, you can dip it in glitter (or a 6 inch thick layer of make-up(depending on the circumstances)) and make it sparkle.
I have a couple of shout outs tonight, firstly to Diane who turned 40 on 22 June, Happy Birthday and also a hello to Chuckles, hello.
Well you bunch of hotties, I'm off for some much needed beauty sleep.....what's that you say, i don't need it - oh you silver tongued charmers!
Till next time....x
P.S I read an article today about a girl who makes about £60,000 a year revenue from posting photo's of her daily outfits on her blog. I did briefly consider this but there are only so many ways you can jazz up a boring black office suit or jeans, without it looking like you have nothing else in your wardrobe, and without having to drag out that vintage 80's (for vintage read, emotionally attached to the memories) outfit.
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