Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Excited, just a little bit.....

This coming Friday night marks the release of Sex and the City 2, the movie premier to beat all movie premiers. Yes, I will be there, opening night ready to ooh and ahh, and get insanely excited....and Jack is coming along with me, sorry Jack I'll be a giddy kipper! I can't wait....have I mentioned I'm excited??!

Talking of films, I went to see Prince of Persia last night and I loved it. It's really good and Jake's Gyllenhaal's english accent is really good too. A definite recommend.

So how is everyone doing? I tell you something working the 9 to 5 doesn't half play havoc with a lie in and your social life. I never really bothered about it before, but now I'm used to having so much time to myself I don't know how I managed to fit work in around everything.

There's a poetry reading at the Pilgrim pub in Liverpool tomorrow night. Some of my fellow creative writing writers are heading over there. Good luck guys, have a great time. I was supposed to be going but Dolly's mum is coming for a visit so I can't make it. I'll definitely be there for the next one though....I need to get writing some poetry!!

I was having a bit of a daydream on the train the other day and I realised I don't think I've ever been so chilled out and happy with my lot at the moment. Ok so a lottery win would come in spectacularly handy right now...note to self, buy a lottery ticket at the weekend, but I am happy. I hope it doesn't change.

Following on from my blog the other day about the summer fashion, sitting in Starbucks window on a hot, sunny afternoon in Southport doesn't half open your eyes to what people think is suitable attire for wandering up and down the high street...some of the sights were to say the least, shocking!

Well lovelies, it's back to my keyboard and worky type stuff....ok, so I can't fool you lot it's daydreaming and a kit kat!

Till next time....x

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