This coming Friday night marks the release of Sex and the City 2, the movie premier to beat all movie premiers. Yes, I will be there, opening night ready to ooh and ahh, and get insanely excited....and Jack is coming along with me, sorry Jack I'll be a giddy kipper! I can't wait....have I mentioned I'm excited??!
Talking of films, I went to see Prince of Persia last night and I loved it. It's really good and Jake's Gyllenhaal's english accent is really good too. A definite recommend.
So how is everyone doing? I tell you something working the 9 to 5 doesn't half play havoc with a lie in and your social life. I never really bothered about it before, but now I'm used to having so much time to myself I don't know how I managed to fit work in around everything.
There's a poetry reading at the Pilgrim pub in Liverpool tomorrow night. Some of my fellow creative writing writers are heading over there. Good luck guys, have a great time. I was supposed to be going but Dolly's mum is coming for a visit so I can't make it. I'll definitely be there for the next one though....I need to get writing some poetry!!
I was having a bit of a daydream on the train the other day and I realised I don't think I've ever been so chilled out and happy with my lot at the moment. Ok so a lottery win would come in spectacularly handy right now...note to self, buy a lottery ticket at the weekend, but I am happy. I hope it doesn't change.
Following on from my blog the other day about the summer fashion, sitting in Starbucks window on a hot, sunny afternoon in Southport doesn't half open your eyes to what people think is suitable attire for wandering up and down the high street...some of the sights were to say the least, shocking!
Well lovelies, it's back to my keyboard and worky type stuff....ok, so I can't fool you lot it's daydreaming and a kit kat!
Till next time....x
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Here comes the summer...
I've been for a lunch time wander around Liverpool today and you can certainly tell summer is on the way. It was really warm and sunny and the emergence of maxi dresses, gladiator sandals and ropey fake tan is on the up.
I'm a pale english rose with freckles. I don't really tan just go a barely there hint of colour mixed with red patchy bits. My legs never tan, I could sit in the sun for 10 hours a day and they'd still stay the same shade of pasty milk bottle white. I've tried fake tan and it's not been goes streaky no matter how much i exfoliate, moisturise and massage, spray etc and the colour never looks natural, more like i've dropped a bottle iron bru down myself. So I'm sticking with the fair english maiden look...and it's cheaper too. I have seen some sights today though. A couple of the girls (and lads for that matter) looked like they'd been dipped in cuprinol fence stain, one girl's fake tan was that patchy she looked like she had clouds on her legs and Amy Winehouse has got a lot to answer for with the matted bouffants which seem to be being sported this year.
The maxi dress is also a big fashion trend this summer but one I think might avoid myself to be honest. I don't suit dresses and clothes that are so full of fabric you could use them as a teepee for scout camp. Don't get me wrong I love maxi dresses but prefer them slightly more simpler and not something which if the wind caught it would blow up round your nether regions showing off Bridget big knickers and a 'week before I'm due for a wax' pant beard. Attractive......errr no. (I would like to state for the record....I would never be so slovenly!!).
I'm a pale english rose with freckles. I don't really tan just go a barely there hint of colour mixed with red patchy bits. My legs never tan, I could sit in the sun for 10 hours a day and they'd still stay the same shade of pasty milk bottle white. I've tried fake tan and it's not been goes streaky no matter how much i exfoliate, moisturise and massage, spray etc and the colour never looks natural, more like i've dropped a bottle iron bru down myself. So I'm sticking with the fair english maiden look...and it's cheaper too. I have seen some sights today though. A couple of the girls (and lads for that matter) looked like they'd been dipped in cuprinol fence stain, one girl's fake tan was that patchy she looked like she had clouds on her legs and Amy Winehouse has got a lot to answer for with the matted bouffants which seem to be being sported this year.
The maxi dress is also a big fashion trend this summer but one I think might avoid myself to be honest. I don't suit dresses and clothes that are so full of fabric you could use them as a teepee for scout camp. Don't get me wrong I love maxi dresses but prefer them slightly more simpler and not something which if the wind caught it would blow up round your nether regions showing off Bridget big knickers and a 'week before I'm due for a wax' pant beard. Attractive......errr no. (I would like to state for the record....I would never be so slovenly!!).
Well on that Gok Wan type blog (well more Not Quite Wan, than Gok Wan) I shall leave it there. I hope everyone enjoys their summer whatever the weather, cos I know I will be.
Till next time...x
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Random, very random....

Don't panic i'm still here, though I'm sure you've all been glad of the peace and quiet....yeah yeah, you lot will tell me anything.
Dolly is doing a Dolly (Parton) and working the 9 to 5. Yes, I'm back slaving away over a hot keyboard earning some cash over the summer. Not sure how long the temp job will be lasting but while it does, it means I can save some money for September, and keep the wolf from the door and pay my mortgage....oh and eat, hahaha. I'm working in a really nice office with really nice people, but what makes it even nicer is knowing I'm not there for my life's duration and it's only temporary. Call me mad, but I honestly don't think I could ever go back to being a full time secretary again. It was good whilst it lasted but my life is too short to carry on doing something that was making my soul die bit by bit.
In other news....I inherited three chickens (well 2 hens and a cock...err, stop making up your own jokes please...!!) for a short time on Thursday. Paxo, Sage and Onion, (ok, so I named them) somehow managed to find their way into my garden. I only knew about this when my sister-in-law text me with a picture. I've always said I've wanted chickens but for them to just turn up un-announced without asking if I've got a spare bit of grass for them is a bit rude. Needless to say, they'd gone by the time I got home...shame. They were also saved from sudden death at the jaws of my two cats too who were inside Dolly Peg towers when my new visitors arrived, otherwise i'd have had giblets and feathers everywhere.
Living across the road from a church I get to see my fair share of weddings during the summer and there was one yesterday and they had a caribbean steel band playing outside when the couple came out from saying their 'I do's' and pledging their eternal throth to each other. The band were brilliant, so myself, my niece Belle, my friend Debra and my Mum (hi mum) were stood in my garden dancing away to the band. We were shaking our hips and getting in the groooooove...sorry I got carried away with myself then. It was a great idea and definitly better than listening to the sound of the passing 49a bus and the occasionl fire engine, and definitely put me in the mood for summer.
Well lovelies, the sun is out in Southport again today. No idea how long it will last so going to make the most of it whilst it's here, and I'm off to enjoy the samples and delights of the day.
I've put two pics on today one of Paxo, Sage and Onion, and one of a couple of street entertainers in Southport yesterday. They actually looked much better than some we get (the street entertainers, not the chickens) so thought I'd share it with you.
Till next time...x
Dolly Parton,
happy days,
Sage and Onion,
steel band,
Street Entertainer,
Friday, 7 May 2010
Warp factor....
I had my final exam of the first year went ok I think, not the highest mark I'll ever achieve but I'm confident I passed (just!). I'm now no longer a first year, I'm in limbo waiting to start my second year..SHIIIIIT!
It's flown and I mean literally flown over, where has the time gone...well I can definitely see it's gone onto my waistline and over curvaceous booty (I've never been one to starve myself in a crisis that's for sure), I've got more grey hairs (when you see me, lie and tell me you can't see them), and my eyes look more like pissholes in the snow than eyes, but hey I wouldn't change it for the world...ok, I'm lying I would!
So it's off into the big wide world, looking for a job for the summer to pay for another little jaunt to the Dam, get my car fixed and pay my mortgage - oh the glamour! I'll still be here doing a bit of writing, reading and reporting back on life's strange anomoly's and such...well, you know me, I do like to whitter on a bit.
I tell you what's on the top of my list of things to do whilst I'm off....have a bloody good lie in tomorrow morning, I can hear my bed calling me now. Sleep well lovelies.
Till next time...x
It's flown and I mean literally flown over, where has the time gone...well I can definitely see it's gone onto my waistline and over curvaceous booty (I've never been one to starve myself in a crisis that's for sure), I've got more grey hairs (when you see me, lie and tell me you can't see them), and my eyes look more like pissholes in the snow than eyes, but hey I wouldn't change it for the world...ok, I'm lying I would!
So it's off into the big wide world, looking for a job for the summer to pay for another little jaunt to the Dam, get my car fixed and pay my mortgage - oh the glamour! I'll still be here doing a bit of writing, reading and reporting back on life's strange anomoly's and such...well, you know me, I do like to whitter on a bit.
I tell you what's on the top of my list of things to do whilst I'm off....have a bloody good lie in tomorrow morning, I can hear my bed calling me now. Sleep well lovelies.
Till next time...x
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Which camp did you pitch your tent in?...
I'm not one for spouting political type stuff, mainly because I don't know much about politics, but that's not to say I don't take an interest and at the end of the day I want what's best for me.
Today it's Election day and all we've had for weeks is party campaigning etc etc., and today it's finally D Day. So which camp did you pitch your voters tent in? I'm a new supporter to Nick 'the dark horse of the election' Clegg and i've surprised myself, as I've always supported 'Things can only get better' Labour for years, and the day I vote for David 'would you buy a used car of this man' Cameron, is the day they cart me off for electric shock therapy! My tick is firmly in the Cleggsters box this time. I think as a nation we need a change, we need a new and fresh perspective on how our country is run. We've been dominated by the same parties for donkey's years, and as the saying goes, a change is as good as a rest.
OK, so we're suddenly not going to end up thousands of pounds richer by the end of next week and have endless days of sunshine, it's going to take a long time to get back to any kind of normality, but the fact that it looks likely we could be in for a hung parliament this time shows that people are sick to the back teeth and want a change.
When I went to do my bit for Queen and country this morning it was really busy and I had to queue...I've never had to queue before when I've gone to vote!!! Before you think I'm up there with the bra burning feminists of this land I'm not, but I think that we live in a democracy and if you're given the opportunity to vote you should use it, and you don't necessarily have to go and stand in a school hall or portakabin to do it. You can't complain about the state of the nation if you don't do your bit to try and change it.
So, we shall just have to see what happens this evening and overnight with the really is going to be tighter than an 80's rock stars jeans but it's going to make compulsive viewing.
You go Cleggster...give me a C, give me an L......
Till next time...x
Today it's Election day and all we've had for weeks is party campaigning etc etc., and today it's finally D Day. So which camp did you pitch your voters tent in? I'm a new supporter to Nick 'the dark horse of the election' Clegg and i've surprised myself, as I've always supported 'Things can only get better' Labour for years, and the day I vote for David 'would you buy a used car of this man' Cameron, is the day they cart me off for electric shock therapy! My tick is firmly in the Cleggsters box this time. I think as a nation we need a change, we need a new and fresh perspective on how our country is run. We've been dominated by the same parties for donkey's years, and as the saying goes, a change is as good as a rest.
OK, so we're suddenly not going to end up thousands of pounds richer by the end of next week and have endless days of sunshine, it's going to take a long time to get back to any kind of normality, but the fact that it looks likely we could be in for a hung parliament this time shows that people are sick to the back teeth and want a change.
When I went to do my bit for Queen and country this morning it was really busy and I had to queue...I've never had to queue before when I've gone to vote!!! Before you think I'm up there with the bra burning feminists of this land I'm not, but I think that we live in a democracy and if you're given the opportunity to vote you should use it, and you don't necessarily have to go and stand in a school hall or portakabin to do it. You can't complain about the state of the nation if you don't do your bit to try and change it.
So, we shall just have to see what happens this evening and overnight with the really is going to be tighter than an 80's rock stars jeans but it's going to make compulsive viewing.
You go Cleggster...give me a C, give me an L......
Till next time...x
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Cloggy Dolly and the 8 bananas.....
Well I survived...just, but my voice didn't. I'm nursing dulcet tones huskier than Mariella Frostrup with a chest infection, which while it might be sexy for the most part, loses it a bit when I have a coughing fit, but we can gloss over that minor detail.
Well, first and foremost I want to say a HUGE thank you to my gorgeous friend Garry for giving me a home for the past few days whilst I was there. He really is a fabulous friend....and little does he know I'm moving back in next week, hahaha (oh and it's dark orange not RED!). I was touched (not in that way!) by all of the Amsterdam lovelies this weekend, I love and miss you all.
Well, it's been an eventful few days to say the least, I managed to get sunburnt on the one day of hot weather and I'm nursing a huge bruise on my leg, no idea how I got it, I've also got a huge bruise on my arm because I kept banging it on the door'd think I'd learn my lesson from the first half a dozen times I did it, nooooo, I carried on doing it.
Queens Day itself was a fantastic day with so much orangeness, drinking, dancing and good times that I hardly took any photos at all, and thats not like me, I normally end up getting completely snap happy. I've got a few on my phone so i'll try and find one which doesn't a) make me look like life size orange with legs b) a dodgy looking carrot or c) pissed!
Dolly went for dinner with Mary, Dette, Gisele and Rob on Saturday night to Gaucho's and I've not laughed so much in god knows how long, I was limp with laughter. We did end up though with a lovely present for Garry and a matching one for Gisele...and I'm still finding toothpicks!!! A word to the wise though, might be best not asking me to order Empenada's for your starter if we should happen to go together, you could end up with 8 bananas instead, hahahaha (you had to be there I think for that one...ahem). I'm also on a mission to see if I can get mutton flaps over here (now you lot are just being filthy), it's a joint of mutton meat, trust me...would I lie to you??!!!
Sunday was spent in the pub watching the footy, reading the papers and trying to avoid some very disappointed Ajax supporters from the pub 2 doors down. Riot police and undercover rozzers everywhere...I nearly ran outside begging to get myself arrested, nevermind the footy hooligans, you just don't get that at Southport FC!
And to top off an already fantastic weekend, I went to see Imelda May at Melkweg. She was fantastic. I've not heard her music before but I would definitely go and see her again, check her out if you get the chance. Fantastic voice. (not sure if this breaks copyright, but hey, it's on youtube!).
Well I think I'll leave it there, you're all probably nodding off by now anyway I've whittered on that long. It's going to take another day or two to fully recover I think and bring my raspy, knackered voice back to normal. Anyway...
Till next time...x
Well, first and foremost I want to say a HUGE thank you to my gorgeous friend Garry for giving me a home for the past few days whilst I was there. He really is a fabulous friend....and little does he know I'm moving back in next week, hahaha (oh and it's dark orange not RED!). I was touched (not in that way!) by all of the Amsterdam lovelies this weekend, I love and miss you all.
Well, it's been an eventful few days to say the least, I managed to get sunburnt on the one day of hot weather and I'm nursing a huge bruise on my leg, no idea how I got it, I've also got a huge bruise on my arm because I kept banging it on the door'd think I'd learn my lesson from the first half a dozen times I did it, nooooo, I carried on doing it.
Queens Day itself was a fantastic day with so much orangeness, drinking, dancing and good times that I hardly took any photos at all, and thats not like me, I normally end up getting completely snap happy. I've got a few on my phone so i'll try and find one which doesn't a) make me look like life size orange with legs b) a dodgy looking carrot or c) pissed!
Dolly went for dinner with Mary, Dette, Gisele and Rob on Saturday night to Gaucho's and I've not laughed so much in god knows how long, I was limp with laughter. We did end up though with a lovely present for Garry and a matching one for Gisele...and I'm still finding toothpicks!!! A word to the wise though, might be best not asking me to order Empenada's for your starter if we should happen to go together, you could end up with 8 bananas instead, hahahaha (you had to be there I think for that one...ahem). I'm also on a mission to see if I can get mutton flaps over here (now you lot are just being filthy), it's a joint of mutton meat, trust me...would I lie to you??!!!
Sunday was spent in the pub watching the footy, reading the papers and trying to avoid some very disappointed Ajax supporters from the pub 2 doors down. Riot police and undercover rozzers everywhere...I nearly ran outside begging to get myself arrested, nevermind the footy hooligans, you just don't get that at Southport FC!
And to top off an already fantastic weekend, I went to see Imelda May at Melkweg. She was fantastic. I've not heard her music before but I would definitely go and see her again, check her out if you get the chance. Fantastic voice. (not sure if this breaks copyright, but hey, it's on youtube!).
Well I think I'll leave it there, you're all probably nodding off by now anyway I've whittered on that long. It's going to take another day or two to fully recover I think and bring my raspy, knackered voice back to normal. Anyway...
Till next time...x
8 bananas,
husky voice,
Imelda May,
mutton flaps,
Thank you,
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Greetings from the Netherlands....
This is just a quick blog to let all 8 (and my mum) know Dolly is still alive and loving her trip to Amsterdam.
I'd like to apologise to anyone who I might have sent a drunk text too over the past few days but it's not a proper holiday till you've had one of those from me...and predictive text when drunk is like giving a hand-grenade to a terrorist, not a good idea!
Anyway, I'm back on Tuesday and normal service shall resume not long after that.
Love you all,
Till next time...x
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