I've just been reading that the BBC are looking at cutting stations, halving websites and cancelling bloody decent programmes, and for what...to cut costs!
Well I have one thing which could cut costs for the BBC, get rid of Last of the bloody Summer Wine, PLEASE! Can we not give these pensioners a break and let them retire gracefully without having to regurgitate the same storylines week in week out, where one, two or all of them go skidding down a hill on a tea tray, in a bath or get stuck in a curious hole somewhere!
We rely on the BBC to bring groundbreaking music, drama, entertainment and news to our little talking boxes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and we as licence payers appreciate this...well I do.
So what are we going to get in place of these axed channels, shows etc etc., who knows.
BBC6 music, which is rumoured to be under the coche is a fantastic place for new music to be showcased, and BBC Asian network brings asian programmes, music and information to a wider audience that would not ordinarily get a chance to have access to this sort of service, so why get rid of them?
In the current economic climate when many people haven't so much as a pot to piss in right now, they turn to their telly and radio for entertainment. It's like whipping the carpet from under them!
Anyway, Dolly's had her rant and clambered down off her soap box in her 4" heels waiving her handbag. I just hope they don't axe Holby City otherwise I will have something to rant about!!
Till next time....x
Friday, 26 February 2010
Thursday, 25 February 2010
I'm a celeb daaaarling....
I'm all for a bit of celeb culture, I love my Hello's, OK's, Grazia's, Heat's and general tittle tattle of celeb daily goings on as much as the next person....don't deny you don't read it, we all do! Sometimes there's nothing more satisfying than seeing some minor Z list celeb falling out of whatever club it is and flashing her scanties to the worlds waiting baited press paps. I like to think there's always someone worse off than myself.
But, don't you think sometimes when these folk fall from their pedestal because they can't keep their pants on, stop their mouths from flapping when they've had a few to many Babychams or punch the living daylights out of some poor unsuspecting soul that really they're no better than us mere mortals?
Take for example the recent shenanigans with John Terry. He's on the cover of a recent Hello saying their marriage is 'as solid as a rock', why do we need to know this, surely appearing in Hello is akin to concreting over the cracks with little more than flour and water paste. If my next door neighbours did the same would they be on the front of the local weekly rag declaring their love dressed in primarni instead of armani, I doubt it.
In saying that though, it does make for a good read knowing that it's not just us everyday folk which are completely hopeless.
I am however sick and tired of reading about Katie Price's latest goings on, jeez, she's in OK everytime she pays the gas bill, enough already please!!
Till next time...x
But, don't you think sometimes when these folk fall from their pedestal because they can't keep their pants on, stop their mouths from flapping when they've had a few to many Babychams or punch the living daylights out of some poor unsuspecting soul that really they're no better than us mere mortals?
Take for example the recent shenanigans with John Terry. He's on the cover of a recent Hello saying their marriage is 'as solid as a rock', why do we need to know this, surely appearing in Hello is akin to concreting over the cracks with little more than flour and water paste. If my next door neighbours did the same would they be on the front of the local weekly rag declaring their love dressed in primarni instead of armani, I doubt it.
In saying that though, it does make for a good read knowing that it's not just us everyday folk which are completely hopeless.
I am however sick and tired of reading about Katie Price's latest goings on, jeez, she's in OK everytime she pays the gas bill, enough already please!!
Till next time...x
Friday, 19 February 2010
Baaad timing......
If ever there was a bad time to give something up, it has to be now.
Lent started on Wednesday and as is usually customary in Dolly Peg towers I have vowed to give up chocolate...and being a chocolate addict (I once said I wished my salary came as Galaxy Minstrels instead of cash and constantly asked for a chocolate fountain in my office, did I get one...nope!), giving up this mighty fine soul food is, well, to be honest killing me.
I always turn to chocolate when I'm stressed - which must be about 95% of the time judging by the size of my arse - and normally i'm fine, but today I could quite happily murder someone for a kit kat or a double decker, hell I might even mug a toddler for their chocolate buttons I am that desperate!!
The reason why I give up this super sexy food is not for any religious, moral or higher spiritual reasons, but only so I can prove to myself I have some willpower, simply because I normally have all the willpower of Tiger Woods in a brothel!
So I have decided to go for the substitution tactic to help curb my craving.....alcohol. Yup, good old fashioned pinot grigio or a nice little (oh ok, large!) voddy I think will do the trick nicely.
I'm off to find the corkscrew!
Till next time....x
Lent started on Wednesday and as is usually customary in Dolly Peg towers I have vowed to give up chocolate...and being a chocolate addict (I once said I wished my salary came as Galaxy Minstrels instead of cash and constantly asked for a chocolate fountain in my office, did I get one...nope!), giving up this mighty fine soul food is, well, to be honest killing me.
I always turn to chocolate when I'm stressed - which must be about 95% of the time judging by the size of my arse - and normally i'm fine, but today I could quite happily murder someone for a kit kat or a double decker, hell I might even mug a toddler for their chocolate buttons I am that desperate!!
The reason why I give up this super sexy food is not for any religious, moral or higher spiritual reasons, but only so I can prove to myself I have some willpower, simply because I normally have all the willpower of Tiger Woods in a brothel!
So I have decided to go for the substitution tactic to help curb my craving.....alcohol. Yup, good old fashioned pinot grigio or a nice little (oh ok, large!) voddy I think will do the trick nicely.
I'm off to find the corkscrew!
Till next time....x
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
If it's meant to be...
Affairs of the heart never fail to get me into a mess of butterflies in the tummy and a tongue tied heap of shyness.
Don't get me wrong I have confidence where I need it for the most part, but when it comes to telling someone how I feel...forget it, I lose my bottle and I would rather be stood in the buff (though I wouldn't recommend that scenario either!).
I have never been one of those girls who has guys queuing up to date her, I've just kind of bumbled along being the 'good mate' instead of the 'date'.
Right now, for instance, there is someone I really like, (no I'm not going to name name's!), but my shyness and 'self-preservation' is stopping me from saying anything. Don't get me wrong I am all for being a 21st century girl and asking a guy out, but when you have tried the 21st century approach and it's fallen flat on its arse, well I guess I've learnt my lesson.
I don't know how to let this person know I like them or if they even 'like' me in the same way, so for now I think silence is golden, and as I always say...if it's meant to be, then it's meant to be.
Till next time...x
Don't get me wrong I have confidence where I need it for the most part, but when it comes to telling someone how I feel...forget it, I lose my bottle and I would rather be stood in the buff (though I wouldn't recommend that scenario either!).
I have never been one of those girls who has guys queuing up to date her, I've just kind of bumbled along being the 'good mate' instead of the 'date'.
Right now, for instance, there is someone I really like, (no I'm not going to name name's!), but my shyness and 'self-preservation' is stopping me from saying anything. Don't get me wrong I am all for being a 21st century girl and asking a guy out, but when you have tried the 21st century approach and it's fallen flat on its arse, well I guess I've learnt my lesson.
I don't know how to let this person know I like them or if they even 'like' me in the same way, so for now I think silence is golden, and as I always say...if it's meant to be, then it's meant to be.
Till next time...x
Monday, 15 February 2010
I need my fix....
I have an addiction (apart from chocolate) and I'm currently going through cold turkey.
My name is Dolly Peg and I am addicted to glossy magazines.......there I said it!
I can't help it, ever since I was a teenager and buying my first copy of Jackie and Smash Hits (I nearly fainted once in WH Smith when there was a double sided poster of Bros in Smash Hits!), I've been addicted to the shiny, inviting glossy pages like Katie Price is to wedding rings. I currently subscribe to Glamour (my absolute favourite of them all) and Marie Claire, sadly my student budget can't stretch to any more. I have been known in the past to buy 2 or 3 copies of the same magazine if the free gift comes in different colours, options or special editions...yes, I am that bad.
However, I've had to curb my addiction recently because of my degree with just not having the time to read them, but over Christmas I got the chance to catch up and devoured every single word, photograph and advert as though I would never see them again.
I justify my addiction as market research (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) and as being a newby writer I would love to be published in my favourite glossies one day. To see my name printed in the glossy wonderfulness that is Glamour magazine would have a special victory dance all of its own!
Till next time...x
My name is Dolly Peg and I am addicted to glossy magazines.......there I said it!
I can't help it, ever since I was a teenager and buying my first copy of Jackie and Smash Hits (I nearly fainted once in WH Smith when there was a double sided poster of Bros in Smash Hits!), I've been addicted to the shiny, inviting glossy pages like Katie Price is to wedding rings. I currently subscribe to Glamour (my absolute favourite of them all) and Marie Claire, sadly my student budget can't stretch to any more. I have been known in the past to buy 2 or 3 copies of the same magazine if the free gift comes in different colours, options or special editions...yes, I am that bad.
However, I've had to curb my addiction recently because of my degree with just not having the time to read them, but over Christmas I got the chance to catch up and devoured every single word, photograph and advert as though I would never see them again.
I justify my addiction as market research (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!) and as being a newby writer I would love to be published in my favourite glossies one day. To see my name printed in the glossy wonderfulness that is Glamour magazine would have a special victory dance all of its own!
Till next time...x
Sunday, 14 February 2010
The soundtrack to your life....
I love music, in fact I would go so far as to say I LOVE music (well it is Valentines Day!!).
Now, I like to say I have an eclectic taste in music but several of my friends, (mentioning no names...Mike and Steve!) would say it's shit. There is nothing wrong with having a varied taste I like to think and this ranges from rock music all the way along the spectrum to 70' disco, but bi-passing country and western, thrash metal and drum and base, it's just noise!
My love for Bryan Adams goes back to my teens and I am not ashamed to say I would marry him tomorrow if he asked me (while I'm still breathing there is always the possibility...), and I'm currently listening to Embrace 'All You Good Good People'...it's an anthem and their gig at the Royal Court in Liverpool is one of the best I have ever been too.
Music does many different things for me, it can bring back memories of certain times and places eg Crazy by Gnarls Barkley reminds me of Amsterdam, Elbow's 'Seldom Seen Kid' is one of the best albums ever written and Michael Jackson, well his music will live on forever.
Music (along with chocolate) is the food for the soul and if I ever get stranded on a desert island with nothing more than an iPod (or other generic mp3 player!!) and a family size bag of minstrels I will be a happy Dolly Peg indeed.
P.S I also reserve my right to watch, criticise and love Eurovision.
Till next time...x
Now, I like to say I have an eclectic taste in music but several of my friends, (mentioning no names...Mike and Steve!) would say it's shit. There is nothing wrong with having a varied taste I like to think and this ranges from rock music all the way along the spectrum to 70' disco, but bi-passing country and western, thrash metal and drum and base, it's just noise!
My love for Bryan Adams goes back to my teens and I am not ashamed to say I would marry him tomorrow if he asked me (while I'm still breathing there is always the possibility...), and I'm currently listening to Embrace 'All You Good Good People'...it's an anthem and their gig at the Royal Court in Liverpool is one of the best I have ever been too.
Music does many different things for me, it can bring back memories of certain times and places eg Crazy by Gnarls Barkley reminds me of Amsterdam, Elbow's 'Seldom Seen Kid' is one of the best albums ever written and Michael Jackson, well his music will live on forever.
Music (along with chocolate) is the food for the soul and if I ever get stranded on a desert island with nothing more than an iPod (or other generic mp3 player!!) and a family size bag of minstrels I will be a happy Dolly Peg indeed.
P.S I also reserve my right to watch, criticise and love Eurovision.
Till next time...x
Saturday, 13 February 2010
The future is bleak...
I think I'm turning into my mother! Yep, it's started already...I'm 35 (but not looking a day over 26!) and hurtling towards insanity, fooked up words and cursing myself because I didn't put the washing on the line when it's tropical outside.
I love my mother unconditionally and she knows this but there are times when quite frankly it doesn't help.
Take for example the other morning. I'd not been up and about long, not had my first cuppa of the day when I thought my two cats were sat by my leg wanting a tickle behind the ear before I chucked them out for the day. I made a fuss of Minnie for a minute or two, and she trotted off quite happily. I then bent down to make a fuss of Flick but when my hand was waving about in thin air with no cat to tickle, I looked down and realised it was a black vest on the floor and not a cat...(ahem).
But the best has to go to my mum. She has come out with some peachy lines in the past, far to many to tell you here, but this makes me laugh every single time. We were talking about the family tree (my dad was tracing it a while ago, we now know the death stare runs through the family...you have been warned), and my mum pipes up quite matter of fact "...oh yes, do you remember when your Dad was tracing the family antlers"....."the family what mum, do you mean ancestors?", "oh yes them too". (I guess you had to be there!).
It's a slippery slope it really is......
Till next time...x
I love my mother unconditionally and she knows this but there are times when quite frankly it doesn't help.
Take for example the other morning. I'd not been up and about long, not had my first cuppa of the day when I thought my two cats were sat by my leg wanting a tickle behind the ear before I chucked them out for the day. I made a fuss of Minnie for a minute or two, and she trotted off quite happily. I then bent down to make a fuss of Flick but when my hand was waving about in thin air with no cat to tickle, I looked down and realised it was a black vest on the floor and not a cat...(ahem).
But the best has to go to my mum. She has come out with some peachy lines in the past, far to many to tell you here, but this makes me laugh every single time. We were talking about the family tree (my dad was tracing it a while ago, we now know the death stare runs through the family...you have been warned), and my mum pipes up quite matter of fact "...oh yes, do you remember when your Dad was tracing the family antlers"....."the family what mum, do you mean ancestors?", "oh yes them too". (I guess you had to be there!).
It's a slippery slope it really is......
Till next time...x
Thursday, 11 February 2010
I have always been a believer in fate, I think you have to be these days really.
Fate has dealt its hand with me in many a different way from bargain sale shoes and dresses (there is nothing better than getting the sexiest pair of shoes with a sale tag on and then finding out there is another 20% off!!), to major life decisions, eg me ending up at uni, and a lost evening in Amsterdam...but we won't talk about that on here (ahem).
I am one of life's thinkers, whether that's a good thing or a bad thing I don't know. I do wonder where this life journey is taking me, whether I have made the right decision (I'm convinced I have), to whether a guy who you only like from afar is actually going to turn out to be the love of your life (i'm not mentioning any names...!).
I'd like to think I have control over the small, incidental things in life like choosing a new laundry liquid or remembering not to let my cats starve to death, but I can honestly say I think I am happy to leave the big things in life to good old fate...cos that's how it's meant to be anyway.
Till next time...x
Fate has dealt its hand with me in many a different way from bargain sale shoes and dresses (there is nothing better than getting the sexiest pair of shoes with a sale tag on and then finding out there is another 20% off!!), to major life decisions, eg me ending up at uni, and a lost evening in Amsterdam...but we won't talk about that on here (ahem).
I am one of life's thinkers, whether that's a good thing or a bad thing I don't know. I do wonder where this life journey is taking me, whether I have made the right decision (I'm convinced I have), to whether a guy who you only like from afar is actually going to turn out to be the love of your life (i'm not mentioning any names...!).
I'd like to think I have control over the small, incidental things in life like choosing a new laundry liquid or remembering not to let my cats starve to death, but I can honestly say I think I am happy to leave the big things in life to good old fate...cos that's how it's meant to be anyway.
Till next time...x
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
A break from the norm...
I went to see Avatar tonight. Now I'm not normally the type of girl who would go and watch an animated 3D sci-fantasy film about 7ft blue people romping around a forrest, but I can honestly say it was the most amazingly beautiful film I have ever watched (with the exception of Mary Poppins, but I'm biased).
But it just goes to show we should all do something which is a 'break from the norm' more often - but that doesn't include choosing raspberry yoghurt over a strawberry one every now and again and cracking out the party poppers when you do!
I suppose my most major break from the norm is going to uni at 35. Yup, I'm a mature student (mature being used in the loosest sense of the word...). After plying my trade as a legal secretary (though I would say skivvy) for 15 years I was made redundant last year and here I am doing my degree. There are definite advantages to being a mature student...eg watching about 30 gorgeous young blokes running around a rugby pitch on a Wednesday afternoon, you certainly wouldn't get that in an office, no siree!
I don't regret a single second of my decision, it is truly the best one I have ever made. I may be as skint as they come but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Till next time...x
But it just goes to show we should all do something which is a 'break from the norm' more often - but that doesn't include choosing raspberry yoghurt over a strawberry one every now and again and cracking out the party poppers when you do!
I suppose my most major break from the norm is going to uni at 35. Yup, I'm a mature student (mature being used in the loosest sense of the word...). After plying my trade as a legal secretary (though I would say skivvy) for 15 years I was made redundant last year and here I am doing my degree. There are definite advantages to being a mature student...eg watching about 30 gorgeous young blokes running around a rugby pitch on a Wednesday afternoon, you certainly wouldn't get that in an office, no siree!
I don't regret a single second of my decision, it is truly the best one I have ever made. I may be as skint as they come but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Till next time...x
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
I'm single, it's not a disease...
It's a good job I'm not insecure about myself or in such a delicate frame of mind that my current state of singledom depresses me.
Is it me or recently have there been loads of articles called "10 reasons why you're still single", "how to bag the man of your dreams with these easy steps", "What makes us attractive" and "C'mon love, have you looked in the mirror lately, you're a bit of a munter!!". (ok, so I made the last one up but I bet it won't be long before we see it).
I've been single for a while and contrary to popular social thinking, I am not depressed about it or ready to hurl myself under the nearest speeding Northern Line train or a social outcast where folk have to walk on the other side of the road to avoid me, just because of my lack of a plus one.
I quite enjoy being single, I am happy for the most part. It would be nice to have a plus one around the place if simply just to empty the cat litter tray and put the bins out every now and again.
So until the day when the love of my life (who is Jason Statham) comes bounding into my life at Dolly Peg towers in his Vauxhall Cavalier declaring his undying love with a bunch of carnations, I am going to carry on quite happily as I have been...or maybe that's where I'm going wrong??!
Till next time...x
Is it me or recently have there been loads of articles called "10 reasons why you're still single", "how to bag the man of your dreams with these easy steps", "What makes us attractive" and "C'mon love, have you looked in the mirror lately, you're a bit of a munter!!". (ok, so I made the last one up but I bet it won't be long before we see it).
I've been single for a while and contrary to popular social thinking, I am not depressed about it or ready to hurl myself under the nearest speeding Northern Line train or a social outcast where folk have to walk on the other side of the road to avoid me, just because of my lack of a plus one.
I quite enjoy being single, I am happy for the most part. It would be nice to have a plus one around the place if simply just to empty the cat litter tray and put the bins out every now and again.
So until the day when the love of my life (who is Jason Statham) comes bounding into my life at Dolly Peg towers in his Vauxhall Cavalier declaring his undying love with a bunch of carnations, I am going to carry on quite happily as I have been...or maybe that's where I'm going wrong??!
Till next time...x
Monday, 8 February 2010
Quit with the panting...
I think my neighbours next door assume we live in nuclear bunkers and we can't hear each other.
On one side i've Mike and no idea what her name is and all they do is argue, do DIY and shag. I can hear the panting through the walls at least twice a week. At one point I actually thought they were training for the London marathon so thought I might ask if they need sponsors, next time I saw them.
I did have to draw the line the other night. Shagging and rows I can cope with but the taste in music that was coming through the walls, well it was offensive to my ear drums. Hardcore foul mouthed rap doesn't bother me, but this was some kind of plinky plonky, just plain wrongy type music. I was this close to going and knocking on the door and telling them to turn it off, but I thought that was a bit over the top!
Then on the other side I've got the polish love muscle and his girlfriend and their micro-panting every now and again. He manages to pull the occasional knee trembler out of the bag.
It's a veritable hot bed of passion on the surrounding sides of Dolly Peg towers, I just wish they would keep the noise down while I'm trying to read my book!!
Till next time...x
On one side i've Mike and no idea what her name is and all they do is argue, do DIY and shag. I can hear the panting through the walls at least twice a week. At one point I actually thought they were training for the London marathon so thought I might ask if they need sponsors, next time I saw them.
I did have to draw the line the other night. Shagging and rows I can cope with but the taste in music that was coming through the walls, well it was offensive to my ear drums. Hardcore foul mouthed rap doesn't bother me, but this was some kind of plinky plonky, just plain wrongy type music. I was this close to going and knocking on the door and telling them to turn it off, but I thought that was a bit over the top!
Then on the other side I've got the polish love muscle and his girlfriend and their micro-panting every now and again. He manages to pull the occasional knee trembler out of the bag.
It's a veritable hot bed of passion on the surrounding sides of Dolly Peg towers, I just wish they would keep the noise down while I'm trying to read my book!!
Till next time...x
Sunday, 7 February 2010
An epiphany....
I had an epiphany this morning. I know it's a sunday and I woke up to an epiphany...is this irony do you think??
I've been having these dreams with the same theme for a while now, so I bit the bullet and googled what they mean (Google the bible for the modern man, woman and child), and basically my dreams mean new beginnings, a new start whether it be life, love or trying a new way to work or flavour of jam on your toast.
So I am biting the bullet and writing this blog for all you people.
I'll publish all kinds of bits and stuff on here, tell you what I think about stuff and just general observations about life.
This is a new thing for me so please be kind, I'm excited about this. If you pass by and like what you read please let me know. If it's not your bag then please close the door quietly on your way out.
Till next time....x
I've been having these dreams with the same theme for a while now, so I bit the bullet and googled what they mean (Google the bible for the modern man, woman and child), and basically my dreams mean new beginnings, a new start whether it be life, love or trying a new way to work or flavour of jam on your toast.
So I am biting the bullet and writing this blog for all you people.
I'll publish all kinds of bits and stuff on here, tell you what I think about stuff and just general observations about life.
This is a new thing for me so please be kind, I'm excited about this. If you pass by and like what you read please let me know. If it's not your bag then please close the door quietly on your way out.
Till next time....x
New Beginnings,
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